Chapter Four: Kahmunrah

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The archives were in darkness. Larry's flashlight illuminated only little areas. The only thing we knew was that we were surrounded by crates

-This place is enormous and full of boxes, it will take ages to find them!- said Larry

-Don't worry, just keep walking- I replied. I didn't know how, but I could feel the power of the Tablet.

-I'll take these off- I said, taking off my sunglasses (yes, I still had them on, don't ask me how I could see 'cause I don't know). Larry stared at me

-Okay, that's weird-

I glared at him

-What? I only forgot to take them off-

-No, not that, your eye, the silver one, it's... glowing-

I stayed silent for a second then replied

-Thanks for the information I really needed it, now let's go-

We continued to search for our friends, and we arrived in the Restoration Area. There were a lot of wax statues of famous people, and one that cought my eye was a woman dressed in a pilot suit

-No way...- I whispered

-What?- asked Larry, illuminating the statue

-That's Amelia Earhart! I can't believe it!-

-Ehm... who?-

I stared at him

-Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean! Come on, you have to know her!-

-Ehm, sorry but no-

I sighed, and continued walking. After a while we arrived in an open area with only one big crate in the center. Larry went to the crate and started unlocking it

-Larry I don't think that's a...-

12 feet long tentacles came out of the crate

-...good idea-


I helped him put the tentacles back in the crate and closed the lid.

-The Tablet is near us, I can feel it- I said

-So which way?-

I looked around for a moment, then headed to a small open gate


We walked there passing the gate, and almost stopped. Larry illuminated what was in front of us: six egyptian warriors were pointing their spears to a very familiar truck crate. And pointing his finger to crate, frozen in the act of shouting an order, there was Pharaoh Kahmunrah.

-Oh my god...- said Larry

I observed the statue. The reproduction was very realistic, he was very similar to the original egyptian illustrations where he was represented in.

-Well, we're lucky enough that he's only a statue, I think that dealing with the real version would be much worse- I said. I went to Larry and tried to look through the narrow space of the almost closed crate. They were all frozen in battle acts. Attila was going to throw his dagger, Sacajawea was going to shoot an arrow, the Neanderthals were shaking their wood weapons, Oct and Jed were standing on a crate near a phone (I still have litteraly no idea why there was a phone in a truck crate full of museum exhibits. "Told ya it was a long story!" "Yeah thanks Jed, very helpful"), and Dexter was holding the Tablet. I noticed that Ahk's sarcophagus was leaning on one of the sides of the crate, and it was barely open.

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