Chapter 27 (Zander)

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My eyelids reluctantly opened up. I was struggling to keep them open. A cotton cloth was shoved in my mouth. I was in a broken down warehouse, I think it's the same one we once stayed at.

A gorgeous golden haired girl strutted into the large room. Once she saw that my eyes were open she rushed over to me. Her lake green eyes fluttered as they met mine. The breathtakingly beautiful girl grabbed a large vial on a nearby table, she started to mix three different vials together in a large, stainless steel chalice.Once all the elements were mixed together they made a sickly green substance.

"Zander. ZANDER! Are you there? Can you hear me? Say something! Anything! Please, I can't do this." Alex's desperate voice pulled me out of my trance. I completely forgot that I had my earpiece in.

I click on the earpiece. I realized that I had a gag in my mouth. How would I be able to tell Alex that I was okay?

The golden haired girl came walking over to me. She yanked the cotton gag out of my mouth and poured a vile tasting sludge down my throat. For a minute I tasted all kinds of vegetables, then it rested on Casu Marzu.

All the muscles in my body felt like they were on fire. My blood turned icy cold. My eyes felt as if an anvil was resting on my eyelids. My eyelids closed, and I was unable to open them. My consciousness started to slip away, pulling me into a deep, dark rest.

I woke up, in what felt like an hour later, my gag had been released and I was floating on the lake in a wooden raft. I clicked my ear piece on and asked for Alex.

"Hello?" Alex asked, her voice sounded worried.

"Alex, it's Zander! I need you to teleport to the lake, remember, where we had our first kiss? I'm on a wooden raft and I need you to teleport me out of here."

"Got it!" A moment later, a bewilder Alex was on shore. Her hair was wild and her face was tear stained. She looked around the lake, desperate to see my face. Her eyes passed over me, then came back to my raft. Alex gathered the wind and pulled me to shore. She gently pulled on my arms, helping me get on the flat land. When my feet were firmly planted on the ground, she pulled herself into my arms, resting her face against my chest.

"I was so worried you had died!" Alex exclaimed, pulling me tighter. I placed my chin on Alex's head as her tears turned to sniffles.

"Don't worry, I'll never leave you." I reassured her.


"I promise."

"I'll teleport us to the airport so we can get tickets with the group." Alex explained. We walked out of the beach into the forest.

"Ready?" I nodded my head in response and then there was a blinding flash. I felt sick to my stomach as I started to fade away. The world was spinning at, at least a hundred miles per hour. I glanced at Alex and she too was fading away. More blinding flashes met my eyes, blinding me.

In a sudden movement, I was in the Airport next to a terrified Walrus.


"Teleporting" I answered for Winslow Hendrix. I glanced at Alex as she started talking with Olivia and Neveah.

"Wait, we're going to be late! Boarding closes in five minutes, and we're still on the other side of the building!" Zoe exclaimed looking at her watch.

We raced down the hall eager to get to the gate. All together we looked like that scene from Home Alone when they were on the verge of missing their flight.

"Wait, I need Starbucks." Walrus said, stopping in front of the pop up cafe. 

"You sure, that isn't a want?" Olivia asked.

"I'm sure, ask my tummy." Jane rolled her eyes at the response.

After what felt like hours we started racing again. We entered the Jet way after handing the lady our tickets. I slumped in my seat as I waited for Alex. She sat down next to me along with Elise, when the plane started to take off.

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