Chapter 20 (Jane)

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     I turned onto my side, only to find Olivia sleeping in what had to be the most uncomfortable position ever. One of her legs was underneath the sleeping bag, but the rest of her body was sprawled all on top of her sleeping bag. Do I sleep like that? Guess I'll never find out.

     I get out from under all the blankets, ready to start the day. My eyes are telling me to get back in bed, but my brain tells me to get up. I decided to listen to my eyes and not to be cranky for the rest of the day. I laid back down and drifted off in a light sleep.

     When I woke up for the second time, I saw Alex and Zander walk in together blushing like crazy. Who would see that coming? Zander Class blushing because of a girl. Pretty impossible, right? I guess not.

     Neveah jogged up to Alex, bubbling with excitement. You could tell that she was up to something. Her hand lightly brushes against Alex's hand. Her eyes then glow to a light lavender purple. Her face suddenly grew pink. A wide grin exploded from Neveah's face.

     "They kiiiissed." Neveah blabbered.

     "Why?" Alex whined as her face glowed to a bright tomato red.

     "I'm just a kid, I can't control it."

     "You know what, we are going on a girl's trip." I suggested.

     "Perfect, I was thinking the same thing." Alex said, briefly glancing at Zander.

     We all piled into the jeep. I never realized how small it was until all of us were sitting in it. Olivia was driving, with Elise in the passenger seat. Alex, Zoe, and I were sitting in the back seat, with Neveah siting on me. My long legs were crushed by the passenger seat in front of me.

     "So, Alex. What happened this morning?" I asked. If a "mystery" girl appears out of nowhere, and she kissed the cutest guy at camp, who has all the girls after him, I would want to know the full story.

    "I couldn't sleep, so I went to the lake that is at the bottom of the hill. I was just thinking about the plan to find Claire, when Zander shows up. He said he couldn't sleep either. I made a fountain in the middle of the lake because, why not? We were talking for a little bit, and then we kissed. No big deal." Alex explained, staring out the window.

     "It is a big deal! Do you know how many girls Zander has chasing him around? Then suddenly this mysterious girl comes by and plants a kiss on his lips!" I replied.

     "Okaaaayy....." Alex huffed out a breath.

     "Well, while we are the topic of people who you like like- or if we put that in simpler terms, crushes- and if put that in even more simpler terms, we can call it love. What was I saying again?" I asked, looking around, trying to gain my train of thought.

     "Uh.... You were giving Olivia directions?" Alex replied, clearly trying to change the subject.

     "No, that wasn't it. Oh yeah I remember. While we are on the topic of love, Elise, I can tell you like, or love Winslow Hendrix. Oh, and you know I am not going to stop talking about it until you confess your love." I continued. Neveah started to giggle lightly along with Olivia.

     Elise turned her head to face me. "You are such a devil, Jane! But, if I must answer the question ...."

     "Yes! Don't think that you can get out of answering that easily." Zoe answered before I could.

     "Fine. I confess my love." She said quickly, disguising her words in a big puff of breath.

     "Now, was that so bad?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

     "Well, folks, we're here!" Olivia exclaimed as she turned into the CVS parking lot.

     We all spilled out of the jeep, eager to have some fun. Neveah sprinted towards the automatic doors. The rest of us started running to catch up with her.

     "Hey, why don't we get some hair dye?" Neveah asked, racing towards the beauty section.

     "Sure! How about we all get different colors?" Elise suggested.

     I ran over to the shelf of hair dye. My eyes scanned the wall of dye, looking for the best color. Olivia already chose teal, Alex chose maroon, and Neveah chose lavender. Next to me, Zoe darted forward and grabbed the neon pink. A deep purple caught my eye. I stepped closer to the shelf and grabbed the box. Elise grabbed the baby blue dye.

    We started to walk to the checkout counter, when Olivia collapsed to the ground. Her eyes were closed, and she was hardly breathing. Her face was pale, and her skin was clammy. Zoe ran to get water and an ice pack. Before Zoe could return, Olivia's eyes fluttered open. Instead of her normal dark blue eyes, they were a bright, glowing teal.

     "What just happened?" I asked.

     "I just had a vision. We need to get everybody out of this store. And fast." Olivia said, scrambling to her feet.

     "Is there something wrong?" The checkout clerk asked.

     "Yes, you need to get everybody out of here quick." I ordered.

     "And why should I listen to you? As far as I know you could be a criminal. You are also only 16." The man added.

     "It's a life or death situation. If I'm telling the truth, do you want to be the one responsible for these peoples deaths?" Olivia asked. He shuffled out from behind the checkout counter and raced to the back of the store.

     "Ladies and Gentleman, please exit the building in orderly fashion. There is an emergency, please exit the building." The intercom ordered. People started bursting out of the isles, eager to get out.

     "Follow us." Alex ordered. Twenty customers and twelve employees started to jog after us as we led them to the back of the parking lot.

     "Is that everybody?" I asked one of the employees. I glanced around the group to notice that a face was not there.

     "Neveah! She must have gotten lost in the crowd!" I quickly looked around the mob of people, looking for the little girl. 

     Olivia jumped from her spot and sprinted into the CVS. A couple minutes later she comes racing out of the CVS with Neveah in her arms.

     "Hide behind the cars!" Olivia ordered, as she came up to us and hid behind a gray van. The group did as told and crushed behind the cars.

     I look around the car just in time to see the CVS's roof collapse. Smoke started to billow out of the automatic doors, as they opened you could see the checkout counter burned to ashes. The windows exploded and cracked at the touch of the fire. The concrete pathway cracked in half spitting out deep red lava. One thing for sure was that this was not a normal fire.

     "Fire. Someone call the fire department." Elise shouted. One of the customers pulled out their phone, careful not to crack it as if it is the most important thing right now.

     "Contact the boys, something is wrong." Zoe whispered to me. I feel my ear searching for my earpiece we use to contact each other. My finger trailed the earpiece until it found the button. I pressed it quickly, making a light beeping noise.


     I peeked around the front of the car to see the firemen arrive. They jumped out of the truck and race into the cvs, carrying a large firehose. Another fireman grabs another hose and starts to aim it at the fire. The automatic doors reopen with a slight squeak. A man with muscular arms, long jet black hair in a low ponytail, red shirt, yellow collar, and yellow gloves come out, comepletely unharmed.  The infamous Gaston LeGume.

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