The gravekeeper 🕊️ (Female reader)

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Andrew Kreiss was always one who kept to himself being afraid of judgement and how others would treat him thanks to his rare condition. He didn't ask for this,this condition,to be different,to be born into a world so cruel to those who are different. Daily he clutched to his shovel and shrank off to the side whole the others conversed,made friends,started relationships. At times he would indeed peek and see how the others would smile at eachother,chat freely,and cared for one another. It would be a lie if deep down he didn't feel slight jealously. One day in the lonesome of his dark and gloomy room in the manor he hoped and wished for a saving grace. Someone who would accept him for who he was,made him feel like he was a human,that he wasn't an outcast,and that he could be loved just like anyone else. Oh how lovely that would be...but perhaps it simply wasn't meant to be.
                  {     ✨   🕊️  ✨      }
          "Ah,this place looks wonderful!,so extravagant! I think I did well choosing to take this letters offer..." You looked to the wax sealed envelope in your hand after admiring the huge looking manor. Sure,it was a bit creepy and dank and just...well,looked like a villain owned it. But you knew well you'd get over the creepy look,after all,you traveled to many different places. You were a gypsy. You loved exploring, learning new things,meeting new people, and you accepted things as they were. Whatever came your way,you embraced it and solved the issue quickly,in a smart manner, and best of all independently. You opened the big doors with a smile ready to tackle this game head on and upon entry you saw butlers and a maid who bowed to you bringing you inside and taking your things. You let them take all things except your purple silk scarf and tambourine. That purple scarf was your mother's who was sadly killed by a religious man for being..well,a gypsy. And the tambourine was your bread and butter. Though many claimed you were a witch and a temptress you didn't care. You simply wanted to live your life, outcast or not.    
                 You quickly settled in and after an hour or so having packed away all your belongings and changed the room around to your liking.  A savory aroma filled your nostrils which you gladly took in and sighed to. "That smells delicious,it probably smells extra good because of all that working on the room!" With that you tidied yourself off to not look too terrible. What sort of person would you be going down to the dining area of such a lavish place looking like you came from the slums? Even if you did, you shouldn't look like it. You smiled creaking open your door slowly bringing out your (Skin coloured) foot gracefully,your gold ankle bracelets clanging together a bit as you began to run lightly. Your feet barely seemed to touch the floor almost as if you were hopping from lilly pad to lilly pad. You very quickly reached the dining hall where you saw a long table with many people already sitting there. You saw a young looking girl with freckles big green eyes and a straw hat, a chubbier faced woman in a doctor's outfit, a man with an odd hat with a candle on it and a huge scar/birthmark on his face, and many more interesting looking characters. You beamed seeing the many diverse people with clearly different personalities. It got you excited to meet these new people,you weren't afraid to clear your throat at the head of the table which made people turn their heads and look at you. "Hello! Good evening to you all,my name is (Y/N)! I'm the new person,here for a to find a purpose...and make some cash for my travels. I hope to become friends with you all!" Some greeted you while others looked away,some found your straightforward and rather bold approach annoying while others saw it as refreshing and brave. You went down the aisle eventually taking a seat right next to a light blonde with pale skin, red eyes, and dark circles under.
Andrew watched as the girl boldly introduced herself at the other end of the table. His eyes suddenly seemed to sparkle as he looked at you. It almost as if he saw you move in slow motion,taking in every details,every perfection and "imperfection", all of your beauty. He was completely mesmerized he almost didn't notice Luca next to him chuckle and whisper "I think you're drooling". He quickly shut his jaw realizing he indeed was enjoying the sight of you a bit too much. His pale and scarred face heat up in shame as he hung his head low. "S-sorry..." He then suddenly felt another presence next to him which startled him a bit. He flinched and looked to the side seeing the woman was now sitting next to him. He felt the wind leave his body,like his sould just left it's shell. He went cold but felt warm at the same time as his heart began to race. His mind was going a million miles an hour,he let out a slight gasp and clutched onto his shovel. This made you turn to him and smile gently,you saw that you startled the poor man half to death. "I'm sorry,did I scare you for sitting here so suddenly?" The man simply stared at you,his lips trembled a bit and he swallowed hard finally deciding he should say something. "N-no you're ok..I mean,it's ok. I uh...sorry" You suddenly tilted your head a bit and put on a gentle and caring smile,one that a mother would give her sniffling baby. "Don't worry at all, I should have asked you if I should sit here. I didn't mean to startle you...say, what's your name? I might as well learn the name of my seat neighbor." You giggled gently and suddenly Andrew felt himself loosen up. He had just realized he looked so tense but now that he saw your was like his worries and stresses faded away. He found himself turning pink in the cheeks and he averted his eyes to the silverware on the white cloth. "Andrew...Andrew Kreiss". You slowly nodded taking in his name engraving it like words on a headstone in your brain. "Andrew have a wonderful name..." You then smiled and took in his features,he was a handsome man. Though his face looked very sad,there was a beauty to it. You found yourself staring at him but shook your head and stopped thinking you'd probably make him very uncomfortable. "My apologies for staring,you're just a very attractive person. You're handsome" Now,any man would have probably felt pride and smiled and such but Andrew looked shocked at the woman. "M-me? Beautiful? B-but...I'm a monster..." That response made you furrow your brows in disbelief, how could he say such a thing about himself?! "No,you aren't a monster at all! You're a person, a human being! And you are beautiful, handsome, whatever you want to call yourself that is good. Not a monster..." You smiled and ever so gently tapped his hand. The man looked to his pale and large hand after you had touched it,he had never felt such a gentle touch before. He looked to you who had such a gentle smile,you were so loving and kind..perhaps his prayers were heard and he had gotten what he had wished for. A slight smile crept onto his sad face and from this point on, you two were close. Noone could seperate you two,you were his light, his angel, his shield,his mirror, like a white dove on a glorious day. You made him happy and feel warm and at peace...
Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed that story,I got a bit overly passionate in the writing and wrote a bit more than I had expected to. Either way I hope you enjoy it,I absolutely love Gravekeeper and I think he deserves some love 💖

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