🤠♥️The cowboys love♥️🤠

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(Hello guys! Just a little note about the.. "goal" I wanted to achieve in this story. I wanted a lighthearted and kinda silly story with this one so I really hope you like it and find it refreshing. Enjoy the story!)
"Ugh,Kevin is such a flirt. He's a playboy, cocky,and just...ugh, Kevin!" Vera rolled her eyes throwing her arm out in disgust after sharing her dislike for the cowboy man. You smiled big filing her nails and soon looked up at her. "I like Kevin! He's brave,kind, heroic,and oooh! Let's not forget strong!" You absolutely gushed as you "gossiped" about Kevin and how highly you thought of him. Vera scoffed knowing full well you had a crush on the cowboy. Your crush on Kevin was as obvious as the sky was blue,in matches the two of you occasionally flirted, how you batted your doll like lashes at him, it was obvious. "(Y/N) girl your crush on Kevin is soooo obvious. You think of him as a Hercules or something; oh, a red lip would look lovely by the way. That wine red there." Vera pointed to the wine red lipstick on your vanity and you nodded popping it open and apply the velvety lip stick on her thin lips. You chuckled lightly feeling all giddy inside,you were a bit of a ditz and a total girly girl..a bimbo if you really wanted to be straight forward. Your bimbo nature was rather loveable though,the girls thought you were so friendly,bubbly,and easy to talk to. The boys,well...some of them thought you were plain stupid but some of them liked how talkative,easy to get along with, and chill you were. But one thing was for certain, everyone loved going to you for make up,spa/self care days, and emotional support. You were an amazing friend with a good heart and soul; Kevin smirked standing outside the room listening to everything you said. "Girls, always gossiping but you gotta love em." He chuckled to himself deciding to knock so he could invite himself in. "Pardon me ladies, I'd like to join you two on your little "dolling up session."" You squealed but before Vera could protest you ran to the door opening it and threw your arms around Kevin which made him chuckle. "Hi Kevin!~ We were just talking about you." Vera pouted and crossed her arms with her hair half done since you just finished her make up. "Uh,yeah, (Y/N)? Can you finish my due so I can go?" You chuckled and nodded grabbing the brush and curler. "Sure thing pretty girl! Kevin dont Vera look fabulous?" Kevin nodded and smiled big giving a thumbs up. "Yup! I'd say you made her look mighty fine this evening! Beautiful dress, hair, accessories,and everything. Can't believe I'm surrounded by such beauties!" The cowboy held his arms out with a huge smile,his tan cheeks tinted a slight red. He was honestly such a sweetheart and it made your heart warm.

"Kevin you are such a sweetheart,has anyone ever told you that?" You chuckled and he rubbed the back of his head with the same sweet smile on his face

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"Kevin you are such a sweetheart,has anyone ever told you that?" You chuckled and he rubbed the back of his head with the same sweet smile on his face. "Well, I have been told so before but it's special coming from you." You felt your heart skip a beat and you smiled big holding your hand out to him which he gladly took and kiss the back of. This made Vera cringe but you finished up her hair and she immediately got up off from your bed and speed walked out. "I'll come back when you're both done being all lovey dovey. I can practically smell the mating hormones. UGH!" With that you were left alone with Kevin who smiled at you With a calm and gentle smile. "Hey, you're a really sweet girl. You call me a sweetheart but I think you are more so times a thousand. You help alot of people out here and just allow them to relax and be themselves. You're a breath of fresh air."

You felt your heart thumping against your rib cage going a thousand miles an hour, your throat felt tight and you felt warm

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You felt your heart thumping against your rib cage going a thousand miles an hour, your throat felt tight and you felt warm. You just wanted to kiss this fine man already,but it seemed he read your thoughts because you soon felt his thumb on your chin lifting your head up to him. "Doll,may I kiss you?" Before you knew it your head instinctively nodded and his lips were pressed against yours. You two stood this way for a while just enjoying eachothers loving warmth and affection. His lips tasted like cinnamon spice and whiskey,a wonderful and tantalizing flavour. One that suited him well. You two pulled away after what seemed like a sweet eternity and looked at eachother with loving gazes. "I think I'm gonna keep you to myself. You're my woman now." He chuckled and then seemed to realize something rubbing the back of his head. "If you want to be my woman of cou-" you didn't even let him finish the sentence before squealing and throwing your arms around him slamming your lips against his. "Why of course I'd be your woman Kev!" You then smashed your lips against his again kissing him all over his face which he gladly accepted feeling happy with the woman he loved.
(The end! I hope you liked this cute and light hearted story! :3)

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