🔪♥️𝔜𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔢 Norton Campbell♥️🔪

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(TW: Yandere Norton, possessiveness (a bit abusive relationship), kidnapping, potentially disturbing topics. Enjoy~)

Norton Campbell walked down the dark streets which were mostly empty since it was late at night,the only thing brightening the way we're the street lights and the bright moon. Norton smiled to himself as he looked up at the big white moon that shone down on the earth making everything look mystical. He was on his way to his house after a long day of working in the mines, he felt he deserved some rest after working hard and helping his co-workers. Norton let out some air through his nose as he closed his eyes smiling as he walked indulging in the thought of his lover waiting at home for him. He chuckled lightly thinking of the face she would make when he got home, maybe one filled with joy and love? Yeah,he wished. He would probably get the usual look of terror,perhaps one that held anger or maybe a look of betrayal. He couldn't really say he minded these faces anyways,he loved the cute expressions on your face. Whether it was fear,anger,sadness, happiness..he loved it all. Just as he loved all of you; Norton was obsessed with you.


The dark haired man finally got home entered through the front door and closing it making sure to bolt lock it and double lock it just in case you got outlandish ideas. Finally,he opened the door to the basement and walked down not before closing the door behind him. You looked up after having your head hung low for a while in despair. Poor little (Y/N) was trapped in this man's unfinished basement like a caged bird wanting to be freed. Guess that's what she gets for falling in love with an insane man..not that she could have known his true intentions or nature. "Ah, (Y/N) my love...I'm back from work. Now,why don't you greet your husband? Hm?~" The tall man crouched down to you,his smile was somewhat smug,loving, and plain devious. It disgusted you to look at his expression. You simply turned your head from him in disgust,the chains around your ankles,wrists, and neck making a slight noise from your movements. Norton chuckled in response and gently rubbed your head which made you wince. "Oh dear,why can't you just be happy that your husband is back? Don't you know how dangerous my job is? Slaving away in the mines? I could get black lung and die you know? Wouldn't you miss me if that were to happen?" You opened your eyes averting them to look at him,your eyes showed anger and maybe a smidge of hate in them. This made Norton's smile completely go away as he stared down at you with a very intimidating expression. His eyes seemed to gleam,though his face was handsome he looked scary. You didn't know what he was planning...

 You didn't know what he was planning

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"(Y/N)... welcome me right now and tell me how much you love me." You filled with fear now gulped down a lump of saliva now feeling how dry your mouth and throat was. "I-I love you Norton. I missed you.. welcome home." After a small while Norton smiled and pulled you into a hug placing your head against his large and muscular chest. If he didn't kidnap you,you would have felt safe..but right now,it felt like a bear was hugging you and in any moment this bear could maul you like a dog with a chew toy. You heard his heard pounding against his chest, "surprising he has one", you thought as he pulled your head away. You were snapped out of your thoughts when Norton took a strand of your (H/C) hair in between his fingers and began twirling it. "You're such a beautiful woman (Y/N), so beautiful anyone would want you..that's why I had to make sure you were mine and mine only. I saw how the men would look at you,all of my colleagues and co workers..would I truly call them my "colleagues" after seeing how hungrily they looked at MY love?" He chuckled as you looked up at him with your now dull (E/C) eyes. All sense of hope and getting out was gone,you knew it was impossible and you knew if you tried you would be punished again.
Norton hummed gently as he combed your hair,you simply sat in front of him with a dull expression like an old doll. Norton smiled and slowly creeped in to the crook of your neck kissing your neck lovingly. "I love you (Y/N)~" he sang as a tear streamed down your face. Your bottom lip quivered but in the end,you let out a shaky and sad sounding, "I love you too.. darling.."


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