🧲❤️Fighting for you: Acrobat and Prospector❤️🤡

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(Authors note: Hello everyone! This story is going to be in multiple parts,so,I hope you enjoy!)

Your heels clicked against the stone pavement that led to the manor,the steps shiny from the rain the slammed down on them. You let out a shaky breath feeling the cold air against your skin. You cursed yourself for not wearing a warm jacket or cape; allowing yourself inside you slip into the huge manor doors. Once inside you gently lowered the hood of your cape revealing your beautiful wet (H/C) hair. Your sparkling (E/C) eyes scammed the room rather interested in this extravagant manor. There were statues of goddesses and beautiful decor,the place was marvelous. No doubt about it,a rich man lived here..."Hello? Is anybody there?" You finally let your presence be known by asking if anyone was around. Suddenly,out of the corner of your eye,you could have sworn you saw a shadow from one marble pillar upstairs dash to another. Something in your chest sank and your heartbeat began to accelerate. "H-hello?..."
             {❤️🤡Acrobats POV❤️}

I was in the library upstairs practicing my juggling as per usual when suddenly I heard a horse carriage outside. Obviously curious since we hadn't had many visitors as of lately I peered out of the window. My eyes scanned the outside struggling to make out much thanks to the heavy rain and fog. "Why must it pour when a guest has arrived? Guess they are unlucky.." I chuckled to myself and in no time I heard the front door creak open. The door was massive so you easily heard of someone entered. I slowly and quietly walked over to get a peek at the guest and I heard the two large doors slam behind them,I then noticed a small figure. I blinked and adjusted my eyes to the tiny figure below soon seeing the figure lower their hood. To my amazement my jaw dropped..she was beautiful. Her (S/C) skin glistened from being wet,her cheeks rosy from the cold, and her beautiful wet hair clung to her face. I caught myself absolutely mesmerized by her. I heard the woman speak asking if anyone was here and that's when I noticed her look up towards where I was. I decided to play a little trick on her and I dashed to the other pillar and hid behind it. I can hear in her shaky voice she got a bit scared.."How cute." I waited a bit before getting from behind the pillar, leaping over the stair railing, and landing right in front of her. She let out a small squeal in shock and I bowed chuckling. I stood up right and held an arm out to her smiling as I usually did. "Hello, welcome to the manor. Now,who might you be? And what is a fair maiden like you doing out here so deep in the forest when it's pouring rain outside?"

 Now,who might you be? And what is a fair maiden like you doing out here so deep in the forest when it's pouring rain outside?"

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         {❤️🧲 Prospectors POV🧲❤️}

The rain tapped against my window as I took notes writing my plans in the mine,work was very successful lately. I've found diamond and gold which allowed me to buy this lavish manor. I hummed soon stretching,after all hours of sitting on a chair does put strain on your back and bottom. I stood up continuing to stretch eventually gazing out of my window. "My my it's pouring out, anyone stuck out in the rain is an unlucky bastard-" that's when I noticed the carriage. "A visitor? Ah, it's the woman I hired probably...well,guess I better go greet her before Mike gets any foolish ideas." With that I grabbed my top hat placing it on my head and I straightened myself out. I hired this woman to help me maintain the manor, after all,I was busy and Mike was..well,Mike. Since the circus got burned down he simply wasn't himself,so, I allowed him to stay at my manor since he was a pal of mine and I wanted him to heal. Those events really shook him. While making my way to the entrance hall I heard a sweet gentle voice say "Hello? Is anyone there?" This woman sounded gentle and kind, her voice like warm milk and honey. I was intrigued,I wanted to see how this woman looked now if her voice sounded like that of an angels. I soon heard a slam on the ground like someone fell or jumped down and a squeal. Immediately I began running hoping Mike didnt do anything stupid or accidentally harmed our guest and worker. I made it looking over the railing seeing Mike introduce himself and finally..her. I immediately felt like time had frozen, I examined her features.. beautiful (S/C) completion, such an alluring body shape, charming (E/C) eyes. A goddess in the flesh. With that I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat causing both Mike and the woman to look at me. "Mike, meet out new maid..she was given to me by her father to work here. I'd appreciate it if you treated her nicely and appropriately,no more tricks." Mike gave a childish giggle and went over to me putting and arm around me and pressing his cheek against mine. "oh c'mon Norton, you know if always treat our guests appropriately! Hehe!"

 "oh c'mon Norton, you know if always treat our guests appropriately! Hehe!"

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            {❤️Back to your POV❤️}

I stared at the two men in front of me, my my they both were so handsome. Both tall, especially the one called Norton. Norton seemed to be more mature but his look was so manly and strict..maybe a bit scary and intimidating. Then Mike was clearly sweet and childish,his face was cute and his smile was contagious. I smiled gently and let out a slight giggle to which the two boys seemed to gawk at me for. I decided to introduce myself since I would be working with them after all. "Good evening,my name is (Y/N) and I'm here for the maid position." Norton nodded and smiled slightly. "I am aware,I'm the one who hired you after all..I am the owner of this manor Norton Campbell. Please don't use any fancy titles with me,you may simply call me Norton." The blonde seemed to bubble with excitement and could wait to butt in, "And I'm Mike! I was an acrobat at the circus!" I blinked and soon remembered about the circus,the one that burned down. "Didn't the circus?-" I was cut off with Norton clearing his throat,Mike's face seemed to change a little but he smiled again. It probably was a touchy subject. "Pardon.." I excused myself for possibly touching on something that hurt Mike and looked to Norton smiling. "I will show you to your resting quarters. Please,follow me." Norton then beconed me to follow to which I did and Mike followed along skipping. I knew my time at the manor was going to be a fun one...

 I knew my time at the manor was going to be a fun one

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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