🖌️The painters madness🖌️

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(Hello! A quick note before we get started, this is a Edgar Valden x Reader story inspired by a song that I thought could fit as a plot! I hope you enjoy and here is the song if you'd want to listen :):

Assorted paints of blues,greys, peaches, and reds surrounded the artist who was hard at work. He wanted to create a masterpiece, something everyone would fall in love with and that is exactly what he was doing. A fair maiden with (S/C) skin...a perfect complexion, beautiful glistening (H/C) hair and beautiful (Plump/thin) lips. Her expression on the painting was that of wonder as if looking in a sky full of stars looking for the brightest one. The painter spent hours on end,days,months. He wanted this to be absolutely perfect...he was a perfectionist after all and he knew he would always make a work of art.
Today was finally the day he would be putting the finishing touches on the work of art,he's spent years on this one piece and it was finally coming together. He walked up to the painting in his art room and pulled the blanket carefully off the canvas being sure not to damage it in any sort of way. Once he pulled off the blanket his eyes glistened with amazement. This painting looked as if the woman could just leap out of the canvas,maybe he could reach out and touch her...he stretched his arm out to the painting. His light tan fingers gently touched the dried pain on the canvas tracing her (sharp/round) jawline. He felt his face heat up,she was truly a beauty to the eye. An absolute pleasure to look at. He almost didn't want anyone else looking at the canvas fearing that others would dirty the work with their filthy and impure eyes. He sneered at the very thought of it; "I'm going to finish you,a beauty like you will be my greatest creation and I shall let noone else look at you..." This was Edgar's descent into madness.
Months had passed and Edgar sat in his art room staring up at the beautiful woman. Well,that painting of the beautiful woman. Oh how he yearned for her touch,her warm embrace,to love her as she loved him. At night,he would dream of the woman smiling so gently and beautifully at him. Holding her arms out to him to hold him in her pure,warm,and loving embrace. She was true perfection to him. Absolutely perfect. His most beautiful work of art. Edgar's parents would worry about their son knowing he would spend hours and days on end in his art room. Sure it was normal for the most part since he was a very dedicated artist but now he wouldn't even show his work and would get very hostile if anyone tried going into his art room. He wanted noone to see the beautiful woman he created. One day,his father heard talking in his room. Edgar sounded happy and bright,almost as if he was talking to a lover. His father decided to peek into the very small slit of the door which Edgar had left open and to his horror,he saw his son talking to a painting. "(Y/N) you're so beautiful... please,speak to me dear...hold me like you do in my dreams..." Edgar desperately looked to the woman in the painting who only stared at him with her never changing expression. "(Y/N)...."
Edgar had a fall out with his parents who deemed him "insane", they tried sending him away to an asylum but before he could Edgar went off to the manor. Now in the manor, Edgar still held onto the painting he hoped one day would come to life. His one wish was he would get his one true love..his beauty in the painting..his everything. He didn't care if others thought he was crazy, everyday he spoke to the painting and continued locking himself away in his room. Everyday,he dreamed of the woman holding him, calling him hers, and saying she was his forever. In his mind, though it was only a fairytale, he would get his true love even if it meant rotting away with his painting. When the paint would start wearing off,he would fix it making sure the beauty of his lover in the canvas would never fade and never expire.

 When the paint would start wearing off,he would fix it making sure the beauty of his lover in the canvas would never fade and never expire

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Everyday his sanity lessened and lessened until... finally,he broke. He broke down, falling in front of the painting. The woman's face in the painting seemed to morph into a sad look watching him as if pitying him. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" He screamed out like a lost child would to his mother, he was starved of her touch,of her love,of her feel. He burried his face into the ground as hot tears blurred his vision and poured down his face. "(Y/N)...I love you..." The painted laid there forever in that position as his heart slowed later going to a stop...he died screaming for his lover that never existed. He died in pain,sadness,and agony..he died a madman. In his room, the painting now seemed to have it's eyes closed. Though the woman's eyes were now closed,her face now adorned a gentle smile and her face now had a single tear streaming down it...
(Hello everyone! Sorry it may have been a bit short bit I hope you liked it! I didn't really warm but it was angsty and had a bit of a yandere Edgar. I hope he wasn't too OOC because tbh I don't know much about him other than he's rich, a pompous artist,etc. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed lovelies!)

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