Chapter Three

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Today's Date: August 29, 2011

Dear Journal,

 I know it's been a few day since I last written but I've been running like hell. I have no idea where I'm heading to but I know it's far from Vermont. Hell, I'll probably end up in bum fuck Kansas working on a farm somewhere under a new name. Why did Louis have to fuck up everything by running his bitch mouth? If it wasn't for that bitch; none of this would have ever happened and I wouldn't have to be running. Bryan is probably pissed at me for my actions but he needs to realize that I just get into these rages and I can't control myself. Maybe, the voices in my head are right. I'm better off alone but I can't let  them get too me. I wish I could explain myself to Bryan so, he won't hate me. He's the only one whose been there for me and I can't lose my only friend. I need to snap out of it and think about what I need to do to survive. Shit, I only have $120, I need to do something quick to get more money or else, I'll be dead from starvation in a week or two. These fucking tears need to go away; I caused this and I need to face my demons head on because I'll fight before I go back to jail. Looks like the Rest Stop will be where I stay tonight. I hope nobody fucks with me because it'll be blood on their hands. Shit, I can't write anymore tonight. I need sleep before I continue driving again. See ya later.

Until Next Time,


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