Gormet x Hunters

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Umm..... I'm writing this on my dad's chrome book that he never uses so i hope that he doesn't find out! Also I don't have auto correct so there will be more mistakes and it will be appreciated if you don't send the where and what mistakes i made.

Warning: Including killing an animal

Killua POV:

I noticed my dear sister didn't pull into the group hug and i knew immediately why; she never hugged anyone before. I smirked but then she looked at me and I immediately sent her a smile. She looked at me a scoffed. Onee-chan you never hugged before? I teased. She glared at me and we pulled out of the group hug.

Zodiac POV

"Onee-chan you never hugged before?" I read Killua's mind, then I glared at him.

Just then the big gates started to open. Everyone included me looked through to small crack until it got bigger and bigger. I was in a fortunate position to see a fat person that is wearing a yellow shirt and a green haired girl that looks pretty. Chatter broke out immediately, I looked at the clown, Hisoka who is playing with one of his card, he looked up at me a smirked. I glared at him and he stick his tongue out. Since when did clowns stick their tongue's out?

"Onee-chan...... do you know Hisoka?" 

I snapped my head to Killua immediately  and raised an eyebrow. I spared Hisoka a quick glance as to say, meet me later. Then I said, "No but he really is a oddball" Hisoka only nodded at me as to say I understand.

"Welcome! I'm Menchi!" said the green haired girl.

"And I'm Bahara!"

"Today you will cook us some food and we judge if you get to pass or not," Menchi said

I nodded as complains were spilling out of people say how, "Useless" it is. If I don't pass this it's going to be crime! I learned from gourmet hunter's you see. The agreed to teach me how to cook since I always liked to cook!

"If you don't make us the food you fail," Menchi said again

Everyone was complaining at her again saying that they didn't come here to become gourmet hunters. I just watched the scene unfold as I started to look around again. Illumi seems like he never moved his face before and Hisoka was playing with one of his cards again. Neither of them seemed concerned that they might fail this phase.

"Well you going to do it if you like it or not!" Menchi snapped, "Todays theme is going to be pigs"

"You guys can take any kind of species of pigs then cook it!"

I nodded as some of the other examiners look annoyed and another looked like this was the easiest phase in the hunter exam.

I all began to scatter as the gates opened again. I zoomed out of the gate and started hopping tree to tree to look for the pigs. 

Then I spotted them, the pigs looked angry and his snout is a big I'm sure I can stick Killua up there. They saw me and attacked me, I only pouted as I threw feathers to each of the pigs forheads and they were all dead. 

I easily picked one of the up with one hand as Kil and his friends arrived they took a glance at me and I just blodyflickered back to the examiner site. 

"Dear dear! Look like someones already back!" Menchi exclaimed looking suprised.

I ignored her remark as I began to start working at my assigned cooking place. I cut the head of the big snouted pig off and I began to skin it. After awile most of the other examiners already came back to the site and I saw them all roasting the pig. Pathetic. I was the first to finish and the food looked really good!

I walked up the the counter and gave the food to fatty and broccoli.

"Oh our first contestant is ready?" exclaimed Menchi. I ignored her.

I gave er the food and they both took a bite out of the peice they were eating from. Menchi's eyes were wide and she said, "The food is so good, you pass!" 

It was only now that I realized everyone was looking at me to see how I've done. They all looked suprised that I passed except for Killua, Illumi, and Hisoka who just smirked at me. What a creep.

i understand that Illumi wasn't suprised that I passed because he tasted my cooking before and that was when I was 8. But Killua? Ok maybe Illumi gave him some his his portion.... but it didn't seem likely. Maybe he thought I have all the power in the world? So naive.... but understandable, I can problably be able to kill him with both of my hands tied to my back and blindfolded even if he knew how to use nen. His Ketsu won't be enough to save him.... because my normal sensing can sense him. But I can always use en.

Time skip brought to you by Hisoka's cards

"All of you fail except 304!" Menchi said

Chatter broke out like it broke out many times before. Many of the contestants were complaining to Menchi and others just gave her a scowl. But a few glared at me as if it was my fault they can not cook.

Just then, a airship came out of nowhere and a old man jumped out. Oh! it was Netero! I liked Netero, I was stronger then him, sure, but he is really strong and he is a laugh unlike my family.

"Now now Menchi! Why fail them, isn't it a bit unfair?" asked the chairman.

"It's not my fault their cooking can't satisfy my taste buds! Everyone fails except for contestant 304," replied Menchi

Netero raise an eyebrow and looked at me and nodded. Then he replied to Menchi's counter argument, "Yes I understand Menchi but only few in the world's cooking can satisfy your taste buds!" Netero laughed, "Do you really expect these people to be able to do exellent cooking?"

"I'm really sorry chairman Netero! I will resign immediatley!" Menchi said as she bowed to the chairman. The chairman only chuckled as he said, "Why not you gave them another task but you have to do it with them?" I heard Menchi agree as we went to make boiled eggs.

"All you have to do is get the egg and boil it at the top!" she exclaimed while beaming at everyone. Then she showed an example. I saw Kil and his friends jump down and I beamed. I didn't go get an egg because I already passed. 

Later Kil and his friends already boiled their eggs and Kil walked up to me and offered half of the egg which I took a bite out of. It was really good! "Onee-chan! I didn't know you were that good at cooking!"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Killua only smiled at me.

"Everyone!" chairman Netero said gaining everyone's attention please climb onto the airship once more and we shall head to the next phase!"

I nodded as everyone started to clamper onto the airship. 

"Fell free to explore! We will arive tomorrow morning"

Zodiac Zoldyck (HxH)Where stories live. Discover now