ii. Autumn

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The area surrounding the Caswell Residence doesn't remain untouched to the impending season coming. Some leaves had already started to change to a golden, red, yellow hue while the air was still warm with the chill tones only August could bring. Gina always knew that breeze promised a new place to occupy her time. Now Gina folds the blanket EJ had left on the couch while Kourtney, who had brought up the drinks for the bonfire later, admired her hair in the mirror.

The inside of the cabin remained the same for the most part, family pictures littered the walls and fireplace mantle. The brown, red, and orange hues from the furniture only adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"I'm still so obsessed with the results." Kourtney casually says, touching the box braids she had gotten yesterday.

"You should be you look amazing." Gina replies with a smile, she takes a braided strand of her own and tucks it behind her ear. The rising junior gotten her own hair done last week, wanting a change before the school year.

New school year at the same school (already a different concept for her), new hair, new extracurricular activity, hopefully, her mind adds. School hadn't even started yet and she'd already been anxious to try out for the cheerleading squad. There were just so many possibilities.

(and so many things to avoid)

"I know I can always trust Sandra." Gina replies confidently.

Kourtney nods in agreement, "I'm definitely gonna keep going to her."

Ashlyn walks in and observes the living room like she were trying to figure out if something was missing. "Hey, Gi do you think you can find the other blankets for later? in the back closet upstairs?" Ashlyn asks.

"Yeah, no problem."

Ash clasps her hands in anticipation. "Great! now all we need is the lighter fluid. Biggie should be here with it soon." She says dryly, Gina and Kourtney share a look across the room.

"You don't sound too happy about that?" Kourtney notes, her tone curious. As far as they knew Ash and Red were happy, spending most of the summer sharing one too many creative pizza dates at slices and, even a few at the skatepark, they all saw on instagram.

"Did you guys get into a fight?" Kourtney blinks at the new voice a couple paces ahead of her behind the kitchen counter, Ashlyn basically yelps and even Gina jumps in surprise.

"Nini! oh my god." Ash admonishes when she turns around to face her.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you." Nini apologizes with a small smile, her eyes riddled in amusement when she notes the red head clutched her chest, startled. The brunette had found she didn't get to spend as much time as she wanted with her friends this summer with her family traveling and her thriving music account. Nini had been feeling sort of left out from group functions as of late, she feels like its somewhat been that way since YAC. She hopes senior year is more of an opportunity to say one last goodbye to these people who'd become like family to her.

"It's okay." Ashlyn sighs, "We didn't get into a fight it's more who Red is bringing here that has me a bit...annoyed"

"Isn't he just driving Ricky up here?" Nini states. Kourtney taps her nails on the wooden counter, nodding. Gina plays with the silver piece on her ring finger, she squints at the expression on Ashlyns face with curiosity.

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