iii. Lookalike

347 11 24

East High School
October 21st, 2019


Gina's heart flutters, like the curly-haired sophomore, had a pair of butterfly wings hugged to her chest when his eyes turn to find hers. She resists the quick grimace undoubtedly on her face. She wants to throw up. She's now the kind of person that feels 'butterfly wings on her chest' because of a boy. The girl who had moved all her life, perfectly crafting her walls and an effortlessly iron-clad facade of arrogance and cool (that took a hell of a lot more effort than it looked) was blushing because of a skater boy that had taken a recent 'interest' in theater and wore flannel pajama pants to school.

(So he's a bit of a fixer-upper)

Ricky's smile is shy but persists nonetheless, like the rest of his face can't help but bend to his contentedness.

"Hey." He responds with his chin slightly tilted up toward her.

(Oh the feeling is absolutely sickening)

"Hi" Red subtly interjects after pausing for a beat, he looks between the pair. This fun little interaction had become regular for the junior and sophomore with the passing days. It would probably bother him more if Gina hadn't been such an effortless inclusion to him and Ricky's dynamic. She was actually cool and wouldn't kill him with her killer cool stare she was definitely capable of, but she wouldn't.

It was a little weird if the red-haired junior was being honest. Not because of Gina herself, she was awesome. But because it was so different to what he'd known before. Even though Red had known Nini for probably as long as Ricky knew her, he'd felt like they'd both been two separate spheres to Ricky. Never really touching or interacting at least with the aforementioned junior present. But that didn't seem to be the case with the not-so-intimidating new girl actually becoming part of their duo.

"Neither of you showed up in pajama pants today." Gina observes wryly. "Should we all clap?" she playfully squints and Ricky finds his eyes roll before he even realizes it.

"What do you have against comfortable clothing? This place already makes me wanna sleep regularly." Red tells her with a shrug. "I don't see an issue in dressing for eventual naps in class."

"Go you for preparedness I guess." She claps his shoulder. Red smiles at the pseudo compliment while she snorts, crossing her arms in amusement.

Ricky's nose wrinkles, his mind still fixated on her question. "You know what, more importantly, what do you have against the clothing of our people?"

Gina's eyebrows practically kiss her hairline, "Oh, and whose that? the resident molepeople of Salt Lake City?" she teases.

"Ouch?" Red replies offended. Gina slightly shakes her head at him as if he wasn't really included in such a demographic, he quirks his lip upward pleased.

"No, Bi people." Ricky answers. "They are real, Gina." he exaggerates the words and says them slowly knowing it would annoy her. Her affectionate eye-roll lets him know his job had been done.

"Alright well, I'm bi and I'm telling you right now, I wouldn't be caught dead in those." The sophomore points out adjusting the strap of her book bag.

Ms.Jenn interjects before Red thoughtfully pitches in, "Red I'm gonna need to go over some change in stage directions with you quickly before we start." she starts gesturing to her clipboard in front of her. The red-haired junior follows his drama teacher while Ricky playfully squints at Gina.

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