2: Meeting The Night Raid

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Sunlight shines through the window as its rays of warmth came in. Curtains shifting against the breeze. Birds chirped outside as they fluffed their wings out for flight. Tree's bristled against winds. Butterflies fluttered around as one landed on Y/n's nose. Twitching a bit as his eyes slowly open. Groaning a bit as his eyes sting from rays from the sun. Rubbing his eyes as he slowly rised up. Brushing his hands against his face. Hair shifting to the side. A few seconds past Y/n's eyes adjusted to his surroundings.

Rubbing his head once more as he tried to remember what happened

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Rubbing his head once more as he tried to remember what happened.

Y/n: "What happened?"

Shifting his hands as he flet something cold touch his fingers. Glancing down, he noticed his staff at his side. Breathing as he grabbed his staff and held it close. Snoring entered his ears as he gazed to his side. His partner: Ivan, was asleep in a chair. Shifting a bit as poke the end of his staff at Ivan's side. One of his eyes open slight as he felt a cold end of the staff touch his side. That round blue eye looking towards Y/n. Stretching out as he made a small grunt. Ivan's gazed turned towards Y/N.

Ivan: "Finally awake huh?"

Y/n nods as he shifted again, looking again before putting his attention back on Ivan.

Y/n: "Where are we?"

Ivan: "We are at night raid."

Y/n: "Night raid?"

Ivan nods

Ivan: "Remember when we dropped off Najenda at Night Raid Quarters? Apperently were in it."

Y/n breathes in as he placed a hand on his face, taking in the info that was given. Then his thoughts questioned about yestereday.

Y/n: "Ivan. What happened last night?"

Ivan breathes out as he moved forward, planting his feet onto the floor as he rubbed his hands togther.

Ivan: "Last night. Before you, I, and Tatsumi heard a scream from the forest. We arrived to invesitigate only to bump into a group attacking this young lady, but apperantely she wasn't a sweet thing from she looked. One of crew upon that group showed the truth behind open doors. Bodies. and innocent victims in cells. One look and you passed out from the exposer of what you seen. Apparentely Tatsumi's friends were within those bodies too. After the events, Night Raid offered us shelter here."

Upon listening images slowly begin to haunt him. The gore, smell of blood, and bodies. Y/n sucked a breath in, shaking. Ivan gently placed a hand on your shoulder and arm.

Ivan: "Breath my friend."

Minutes passed by as Y/n calmed down.

Y/n: "Is tatsumi ok?"

Ivan: "He is, but he needs time to himself for now."

Y/n nods as he looks down. Sighning. Then the door opens showing Leone strutting in.

Leone: "Morning boys!"

Ivan shifted a bit as his eyes glowed.

Ivan: "What do you want this time?"

Leone raised her hands up

Leone: "Woah calm down hot shot. I just came in to tell you that we'll be introducing y'all to the night raid crew!"

Ivan was about to open his mouth but Y/n stopped him, whispering.

Y/n: "Don't be rude Ivan, besides they gave us shelter remember?"

Ivan breathes out, whispering back.

Ivan: "Very well."

Y/n gets off the bed as he puts his staff onto his back. Ivan stood at his side as Leone smiled at the two.

Leone: "Well lets get to it!"

Following behind her as they walked through halls, sunlight running through windows as they walked. Birds flying past them as clouds floated by. Walking into a dining room with a purple haired girl was, her glasses gleamed slightly.

Leone: "Guys this is Sheele. Sheele this is Y/n and Ivan."

Sheele turned her gaze to the two, smiling softly.

Sheele: "Pleasure to meet you two."

Y/n: "And its a pleasure to meet you to ma'am."

Ivan looks at blade that was next to Sheele. His eyes widen to what it is.

Ivan: "Is that the legandary scissor blade?"

Sheele looks at it before at him.

Sheele: "It is indeed. What to look at  it?"

Ivan nods rapidly as Sheele lets him see the blade closely. Y/n laughs slightly as Ivan's tail wagged.

Y/n: "Sorry about him Sheele, he just loves new weapons and legendary ones to discover."

Sheele: "Its fine. Besides it's nice to another weapon person around."

Ivan gazed at the weapon with awe. Y/n gently taps his shoulder.

Y/n: "Come on brother, we can't spend to much time staring at that weapon there's others to meet."

Ivan: "O-oh right sorry."

Ivan pulled himself back as they followed Leone once more. Meeting a pervert and a gay knight along the way. Night soon came as they went to a small bonfire where a big bird was being cooked as woman was in front of it, munching on some meat.

Leone: "And this is akame."

Akame looks at them as she was eating meat, mainly staring at Y/n. She grabbed some meat and tossed it towards them.

Akame: "Here have some."

Y/n: "Oh thanks."

Leone: "Why has everyone been acting weird today?"

Akame: "Because the boss is back."

Leone walked around the fire then smiled.

Leone: "Boss!"

Curious of who this boss was, he shifted around the fire and his eyes widened.

Y/n: "Najenda?"

Najenda: "Long time no see Y/n."

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