4: Unexpected arrival

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Y/n moved a bit. Checking on his supplies to ensure he was fully up to date. If not he had to gather it from nearby villages. Thankfully there wasn't a case of going to one. Ivan being nearby. Sharping his blade. Y/n walked over. Ivan looked at him.

Ivan: "Got everything you need?"

Y/n: "Yes thankfully. Saves us from having to go to a nearby village."

Ivan: "Good. I got your staff polished. It's floating right there."

Y/n looked over them gently grabbed his staff. Looking at his list again then sat down for a second to a rest. Then shivered again.

Ivan: "Something bothering you?"

Y/n: "You know feeling in your gut of bad but slightly good feeling with it?"

Ivan: "Mhm."

Y/n: "Well I'm getting that big feeling right now."

Ivan: "Maybe some good food will help with that feeling of yours?"

Y/n: "Yes please."

Ivan made a slight chuckle standing up with Y/n following behind him. Going towards the dinning room. Y/n took a seat as Ivan went to the kitchen to cook a meal.


Doors slowly opened from the other side. Revealing it to be Chelsea.

Chelsea: "Oh seems I'm not the only one that hungry."

Y/n rubbed the back of his head, slightly blushing.

Y/n: "Yea food puts me in a good mood."

Chelsea sits down near him, chewing on her candy before looking at him.

Chelsea: "Y/n I'm quite curious. Amongst your travels you been on. Have you seen much upon traveling?"

Y/n: "Oh yes! Very much. Many villages, kingdoms, and species."

Chelsea: "Must be a lot of work."

Y/n: "Indeed it was a lot of work. But it's a miracle because those I help will live another day."

Chelsea thoughts: Now I see why Najenda likes you. It is truly cute of you to be concerned of other lives.... Yet those things will change here dear Y/n. Not everyone is so innocent.

Ivan came back within minutes holding plates.

Ivan came back within minutes holding plates

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Y/n: "Thank you Ivan."

Ivan: "Mhm."

Chelsea: "So what's the story between you two?"

Y/n: "When I was traveling to different villages to help people and get some items for my medical supplies. I met him there at his village when I stopped to gather some food and supplies. His people... well.... Weren't fond of me being there however they welcomed me when Ivan managed to convince them I'm not a threat to them after helping with him grandfather. Like I was part of their village. Then he decided to come with me on my travels which became more adventurous I say.... Except bandits trying to attack us."

Chelsea: "Oh really?"

Ivan: "Yep. With honesty I'm gotten bored and wanted to travel... Truthfully it's adventurous. Until rain came around and made yer body sick remember that?"

Y/n: "Oh yea I did remember that.... Took me out a few days. I had to tell what use on me while I was sick."

Chelsea thoughts: These two act like brothers to each other which is adorable..... Mainly on Y/n's side of how he shows worry and concern.

Ivan: "Even sneezing like a storm."

Y/n: "I did sneeze like a storm did I?"

Ivan: "Eyup. Thankfully that village did had an opening at their in for us to use till you got better."

Y/n: "Oh yes."

Y/n took a bite into his steak. Chewing away a bit.

Y/n: "Remind me. We need to get new sacks. Our old ones are beginning to rip already."

Ivan: "Which ones?"

Y/n: "I think the fruit ones."

Ivan: "Alright. But we have to make sure we some meats so we don't run out I think I saw only enough for two days."

Y/n: "Are they still alright for consumption?"

Ivan: "Yes they haven't molded yet thankfully."

Y/n nods eating his steak. But this feeling he felt early wasn't wearing off. It still lingered. What was causing this he theorized in his mind. He didn't feel sick. Nor anything medical worrying. No headaches or heart problems. What could it possibly be?

Ivan: "You alright?"

Y/n: "You know that feeling I was telling you earlier?"

Ivan: "Mhm."

Y/n: "It ain't going away. It's nothing medical worrying."

Ivan: "Maybe it might something else your sensing or feeling."

Y/n: "Sensing?"

Ivan: "You know like when sense someone nearby or behind you. Like an instinct that's flaring up."

Y/n: "Oh. So it's not something medical."

Ivan laughs softly.

Ivan: "No sir."

Suddenly the doors suddenly open. A male with green hair male.

Lubbock: "Guys we got company coming!"

Immediately standing up in alarm then ran behind Lubbock. Footsteps echoing out. Heading down before turning left into the large entrance. Ivan stood in front of Y/n with his blade out. Standing with the group as they watched some figures coming towards them.

Y/n: "Wait.... Is that?"

Slowly the figures became more visible to the eye.

Y/n: "Wait everyone don't attack!"

Najenda: "Why not? They are coming towards us, we don't know them they could be from the empire."

Y/n: "Me and Ivan know them."

Y/n pushed through to the front with Ivan as the two figures stopped. One with blue hair and other with purple hair. The female with blue hair hopped off her horse. Purple gal came off her dragon. Walking towards the boys.

Y/n smiled softly at them.

Y/n: "Lady Lucina. Lady Camilla."

Lucina: "Hello....Y/n."

————————I apologize after a year of not updating this story my fellow galaxy travelers but not to worry I'm planning this story out better and might edit it better

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I apologize after a year of not updating this story my fellow galaxy travelers but not to worry I'm planning this story out better and might edit it better. But this will continue, I'm planning it out slowly. There's gonna be changes to this but yes this will be updated. Hope ya enjoy galaxy travelers!

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