Our Love

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Elena's pov
Four long days of being in the hospital.The morning after I had Anaíya,the nurse got me up to walk around the nurses station.I wanted to scream my fucking head off.I couldn't crotch over,I had to be fully standing up but walking at my own paste.
I have to come back next Friday to get my staples removed.I don't know which is worst getting them or getting them taking out.

Malena did bring the girls to meet their little sister.They both happily held her.Naveen didn't want to come near me.All of the i.v's and machines scared her.The only way I got a kiss from her was due to Zayn lifting her up over me.Naveen kept asking if the nurses were feeding me and am I getting any rest.My little worrier.

Now that's all over because I'm home.Trisha and Esme filled our fridge and freezer with plenty of food.Labels for each day.Zayn and I are extremely grateful.Take out was going to be our dinner for the next three weeks.

"Are you comfortable?"Zayn asks, handing me a bottle of opened water."Thank you and yes."

He sat beside me,yawning."Take a nap.The girls won't be home for another three hours."

Of course he denies,"I'm good."I kiss his cheek,"Lay your head on my lap.She's sleeping,you can get in a good hour."I explain,I fed Anaíya as soon as we got in.Zayn burped an then she fell asleep.I can say out of all our kids she's the easiest to get to sleep.But she's only a week old so I better not get my hopes up

"Lay your head here."He tiredly smiles,Zayn hasn't slept in nearly a week.

His mind is driving the both of us crazy.What happened with me losing a lot of blood was a reality check for the both of us.It makes me sick to think I wouldn't see my girls grow up.That is any parents biggest nightmare.The second day of being in the hospital,Zayn finally filled me in on what he was thinking about.It scared him to think he came close to losing me,telling the girls I didn't make it.We also talked about what Yaser said.And I couldn't agree more.
A scary situation for the both of us, now we have to really bounce back to being us and treasure these moments.

"Do you need anything?"He asks,
yawing again."No I'm fine.I want you to sleep."He lays on his stomach, placing his head on my lap.Being very carful on how close he lays next to my stomach.I gently start running my hands through his hair.He goes to sleep within seconds.

It hit me that we are parents of three daughters now.I'm going to enjoy this time with Anaíya being a new born because they grow up so fast.Amina being eight and Naveen turning five in month.It's bittersweet because i love seeing their personalities form and sometimes I like hearing their opinion.

It was like a family gathering in our bathroom while Zayn gave the girls a bath.I'm sitting near my closet with Anaíya,watching them.

"My big toe hurts."Naveen randomly says,looking at her dad."What should I do about that Navi?"

She lays back holding herself up,
putting her wrinkled toes in his face.

"Kiss it."

See there comes a time in a parents life when their child's feet doesn't seem as cute when they start to sweat.Naveen's feet stop being cute and kissable when she was about two going on three.

"No.Your toe looks perfectly fine and chubby."Zayn says,tickling the bottom of her feet.

"Mummy can you brush my hair?" Mina asks,not making eye contact with Zayn.I giggle,lifting Anaíya away from my stomach.

"Yes baby."

Zayn looks at me,then her."I've gotten better."

"No you haven't."Amina says,"You kinda suck."I try not to laugh hard without scarring Anaíya.

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