You'll Never Stand Alone

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Her new hair color..^

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Two weeks
Elena's pov

Anaíya first appointment went well.She gained three pounds.Which doesn't surprise me,my little girl is a chunky one.Her next check up isn't for another three weeks and unfortunately it will be for her shots.
Worst sight ever is seeing your child in pain and you can't do anything.

Zayn and I needed sometime apart. These past two months we've been around each other so much.Normally it doesn't bother us but with the lack of sleep,him and I-mostly me have been a bit snippy.He probably went to the studio with Harris or Shahid.In my bitchy moments he still reminds me he loves me.Two hours after he left,a deliver man came with two dozen of cabbage roses.I definitely felt bad.

I need to feel like a human again.My hair hasn't been properly done in months.The little things I've done to it isn't anything to what it needs.I called the only person I trust with my hair and that is my sweet Aoife.Malena is here as well ,keeping Anaíya company in the lounge next to the window.Far away from the fumes.

"Just a wash,blow out and flat iron?"Aoife asks running her hands through my mess of a hair.

"Yes but I want to change the color."

She nods,"What color?Last time you went all brown."It's a pattern with having all my kids.After I had Amina,I wanted to do something different and went two toned.My natural black on top and underneath blonde.When it was up it looked awful but when I curled it,I thought it was perfect.
After I had Naveen,I went all brown.I didn't do it myself Aoife did.Wouldn't dare to it myself,my hair would probably fall out.

"Burgundy but a little lighter."I say, she's heard worst description.

"Are you positive?"Aoife asks,I nod.Ive been thinking about this since I was on bed rest.With that much free time on my hands that's all you can do.

"Yes!Burgundy Mrs. Bridges."


"I love it!"I happily say,I didn't want to look at my hair until she was full done.Malena approved when it was at its curly state.

She smiled ,feathering my bangs. This is all new for me and I love it. "You look good babe."

"Hell you created a fucking miracle ."

"Don't forget to put this oil in."Aoife says,holding it up " It's healthy for your hair since I did use a strong color."

"I will."

"Anaíya might be a big sister after Zayn sees you."She found that to be funny,I on the hand didnt."Hell no"

Aoife did enough,I cleaned up everything. Typical hair dresser ,she carries everything in this massive suit case,that has storage for pacific things.

She and I came down stairs to the lounge where Mal and Anaíya are.."Hey sexy lady!"

I jokingly twirl , works since I have a flowy maxi skirt on."You look good Lena."

"Thank you."I say,I didn't even get a chance to get a cuddle one with my baby because Aoife got to her first.

"I can't wait to have one."Aoife gushes ,smiling ear to ear."You want to be pregnant by the end of this year?"Mal asks.She shook her head no."I'm still on the pill.I rather wait until after a year of being married.Still being able to enjoy the freedom doing certain thing,you know ?"

Mal can relate more then I can."Absolutely .The newness of marriage. No care in the world,kind of."

"Rhys on the same page ? "I ask,

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