A male friend is good to have.

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Elena's pov
Dash and I opened up our own beauty salons two years ago.Dash was highly against us naming the salon after him but I got my way.Not a very common name for a beauty salon.

"I have a friend who I want you to meet."Erin said.She came to work for us almost a year ago now."Im not up for dating."

"A male friend is good to have.Kinda keeps your attention away from Zayn and whatever else you two are dealing with."She and I are in the back restocking.I should've gotten Roxy to help me.

"This salon and my girls have my attention."

"Other then that.He's really sweet,loves kids,hard worker not some mooch."I laughed."If I say no will you still harass me?"

"Every single day."Erin & Keeva have similar personalities."Fine I'll go."

"Alright tomorrow night meet him Tozi at 7:30."I sighed."Okay, I'll be there."

Next day
I would've been better off tell a dog about this little date then Sianna.She's upset that I'm not focused on fixing my relationship with Zayn."Its not like this guy and I are in a relationship.Its one date Si!"

"You're right maybe this will make you realize where you should be."She's being sarcastic and that's pissing me off.

"Do you honesty think I don't want to be with Zayn?My best friend & the father of my kids."She didn't answer seeing the tears in my eyes form."This what's right for Zayn and I right now.The last thing I need is my best friend patronizing me due to of my choices because I already feel like a shit mum when my daughters ask me these questions."Sianna hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry sweetheart.I just want you to be happy and I'm fully supporting you.Look at me."She squashed my cheeks together.

"You're a the farthest from a shit mum.Work you're ass from them and they see it babe.So smile & lets get you ready for your date."

Sianna took over everything,I was planning on wearing my hair in a bun until Si said I should wear my hair in the naturally curly look.I did light make up with a bright red lip."Clutch,fits the main thing you need."I see that she already out everything in there."Thank you."

"You're welcome have a good time."

"I have one favor to ask."She looks petrified."You can't tell Danny or Zayn about me going out anyone for that matter."

"Okay but if this goes any farther you need to let Zayn meet him if he's around the girls."
"I will."

I arrived ten minutes early,luckily the table was under Erin's name."Elena?"A guy who stood about 5'9/5'10,bit of facial hair,quiff,tattoos& really nice eyes."Yes!"

"Travis,pleasure to meet you."Leaning to kiss my cheek."Please tell me I didn't have you waiting?"

"No,I was early."our waitress approached."Hi I'm Noel,what can I start you two off with?"

"White wine please."I asked."Make that two please."

"Okay,have you look over what you wanted to start with?"

"Yes I'll get Bruschetta."Travis said,I'm carious if he's Italian."And I'll have the ravioli please."

"I'll put your order in & get those drinks."

"Thank you."When she did come back with our drinks we had a toast."To a good date with a beautiful girl."This guy has to be too good for his own good."Cheers."

"How long have you & Erin known each other?"I asked."8 years now.You?"

"Wow that's a long time,nearly five years."our waitress came back with our drinks.Much needed."Are you from here?"

"I was raised between Italy and here majority of my life them when I turned 18 i decided to stay.Yourself?"
"No,I'm from Bradford."

"Northern girl."I giggled,don't I hear that often."Yes and proud."
"Your back round?"

"Pakistani and Dominican."he has a great smile."Now I know the two makes a pretty girl."I haven't blushed this hard in quite some time.
"Thank you,"I'm flattered.

We made it into the subject of kids.
"You have two little girls correct?"Travis asked.I nodded.

"Amina seven & Naveen three."

"Come on now let me see a picture."Travis said in a humorous way that made me giggle.Handing him my phone.

"They're gorgeous."he looked at me then at me phone."They look more like their dads side then me or mine."

"Mm okay,still beautiful girls you have."

"Thank you,they're my everything."
Food,wine and great conversation is a pretty standard night.

My first date in god knows how long & it went pretty well.Paid for the bill,open my car door & got a second date.

5 or more comments please?!?I want to know what you all think.Elena is DATING someone,yikes!
Check my Instagram out to see Travis.Also I changed who played Elena,Jessica Plummer is how I pictured her.She's adorable!

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