Magic Mike

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Probably a horrible tittle since there is a kids are involve in the first part...Oh well.
3k words plus,please comment & vote.Drama is coming very soon.

Elena's pov
It's always sad to see your babies grow up but it's amazing to see them grow.Their personalities, interest,in a way they start knowing what they stand for.Nothing major.Just little minor things,they see.With Naveen I started to see this over the past year in a half.Though she is the biggest pain in Amina's behind,tendency to whine when she isn't getting her way and likes to run to Zayn ,when I say no to her.My little girl has a good heart.I love adore her laugh,when it's a genuine nearly in tears laugh.
Naveen is the only child I know who starts random conversations with strangers.Bit odd but it seems to make everyone's day.I'm not sure who's more intrigued the stranger or Naveen.Much like Zayn,she has a kind heart.I also think Naveen's turtles might be the love of her life,it's kicked Zayn to the side.

Unfortunately I had to cancel Naveen's party due to the rain that's been going for two days now.She's not a happy little girl today.Naveen has been pouting since she woke up and she has every right too.

"How many kids are spending the night?"Pearla asks,she and Emmanuel drove in a few hours ago.I'm thankful it's not a thunder storm.I would've told them to not come and the boys could stay here once the wheat her dies down.Esme and the kids took the train in yesterday morning.

"Yassy,Frankie and your boys,if that's fine."I say,the kids that are here,live extremely close.Minus Chase and Sonny.

"Yeah.I was thinking maybe we can turn her party into a camping party. The guys can go get some tents.
There's plenty of snacks."Pearla explains,rocking Anaíya in her arms.

I look to Naveen ,who's running from Frankie ,laughing.Her smile isn't fully back but it's getting there."Her face is killing me.I think that will make her happy."Pearla says.

"I like that.Push the sofa in the lounge back and get them sorted out in there."I really like this idea.A tent big enough for six kids,sleeping bags.

"Make it a proper camping experience for them-just inside."She says.Zayn and Emmanuel have perfect timing."Naveen's party is back on."I say to Zayn as her approaches me.Of course he looks at me like I'm crazy.

He chuckles,"You don't see the rain?"

I lightly hit him in the stomach,"Yes you prick.I mean she's having a camp theme slumber party."

"Okay.What does she need?"Zayn ask.

"Sleeping bags,six of them and a tent big enough to fit all of them."I explain,he nods.I've learned that Zayn is somewhat domestic when it came to building their little house.As for tents and setting fires,that might be a whole new thing to him.

"Are you good at tents and shit?"Zayn asks Emmanuel making us all laugh."Yeah mate lets go."

After they left,Pearla filled Esme in on what's going on and thought it was brilliant. Pearls kept Anaíya so I could set out all the snacks and move the furniture back. Zayn might kill me for not waiting for him. We told Naveen we have a new surprise for her. Thankfully she does seem excited.It was my biggest worry sing plan one didn't go well.

Zayn and Emmanuel didn't take as long as I thought they would. Esme took the kids down stairs to watch a film so they at least two hours before they run up here.

"Have you ever camped?"I asked Emmanuel ,Pearla giggles.

"Once. Sonny and I went on a camping trip with her family. Worst thing I ever fucking done."Emmanuel says. In this moment Zayn's lucky Emmanuel isn't into this out door shit. He doesn't sound like ,he likes her family too much.

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