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~7 years ago~

It was a scorching summer afternoon. The Blue Neighborhood was burning under the sun's merciless heat. Many families had gone out of town to a relatively cold place to survive the summer.

The young boys of the neighborhood were gathered near the Blue River, enjoying the cool breeze of the river and diving in. 15-year-old Jungkook sat by the shore, his leg dipped in the water as his hyungs were swimming.

"Jungkook-ah! Come on in with us! You'll get burned staying there" Seokjin called out. Jungkook smiled and shook his head. Seokjin shrugged and went back to swim with the others.

Jungkook took his notebook and went on to write down the lyrics of the song he was making. It was his first song and he had been trying to produce it with Namjoon and Hoseok. It was a love song.

He wrote in his notebook intently when Tae swam up to him.

"Your song?" Tae asked still floating in the water. Jungkook nodded.

"Mmmm" Tae hummed as he swirled and floated around, eyes closed, feeling the sun rays above and the cool water underneath together.

Jungkook looked at him, mesmerized, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of his ethereal first love.

The thing about unrequited love is that it's a beautiful feeling, you feel that churning in your tummy that people call butterflies even at the sight of them, their voice sends tingles down your body and their touch soothes you with warmth.

But another thing is, you feel your heartache every time you realize that it's an impossible thing for you to ever have them feel the same. You feel that pang commencing the butterflies when you realize that you stand alone in the whole feeling, and the other person has been standing with you as well but it's just that they have their back to you and they can't see you glowing with your feelings.

Jungkook shut his eyes and took a deep breath. he felt a touch on his face, a wet finger caressing his cheek sending that same warmth through his body.

"Jungkookie~" Taehyung husky but a honey layered voice called out his name. He opened his eyes and met taehyung's brown orbs. It felt to him that they were the only ones in the world. how foolish of him to think that. Blame it on his stupid youthful and immature thoughts, which were also the purest.

Taehyung floated away to the others again, leaving Jungkook by the shore, the warmth seeping away.

Jungkook sighed ad wrote down the lyrics:

That faint voice of yours that grazed me

Please call my name one more time

I'm standing still under the frozen light, but

I will walk towards you step by step.....

Still with you..


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