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❝ I stay up all night

Tell myself I'm alright

Baby, you're just harder to see than most❞

~❣ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ❣~

The sounds around were all muffled. Vision blurred. Lungs seemed to burst any moment in absence of air. Jungkook couldn't breathe.

He could hear many voices calling out his name. He didn't know where to listen or concentrate. He felt so detached from the outside and felt so heavy and drowning away.

He wanted to drown away all his pain, all his heartaches. He wanted them all to disappear.

'Jungkook-ah! ' He heard a voice, a familiar voice, a voice he longed to hear. Taehyung's voice.

That's right, Taehyung, what was he drowning away here for? Didn't he wait for 6 years for him to come back? Wasn't that why he didn't go away to Busan?

Jungkook at that instant followed the familiar voice and he got out of that drowning maze.

Jungkook woke up with a start. It was the second time he had that dream. He was breathing heavily trying to catch his breath. He was drenched in sweat.

He looked at his clock. It was 4 am. He sat and grabbed his forehead, trying to compose himself. He gulped down a bottle of water and got out of bed and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

Suddenly, as he was passing his window, he saw a car. A black car was standing outside. Jungkook squinted his eyes trying to figure out who was in the car.

A man was walking back to the car, seemed like the driver. A man rolled down the window to talk to the driver. Jungkook's heartbeat grew faster. It was either he was hallucinating, or it was Kim Taehyung staring out from a car in front of his house.

Jungkook was frozen in his place for a moment, but when he gained consciousness, he ran down the stairs, almost tripping on the way. He ran outside and was about to call the older male when he stopped in his tracks.

Taehyung stood there hugging another woman. Jungkook felt the pang in his heart again. Why? Why again?

His eyes grew teary, why did he have to go through all the pain? He slumped on the ground holding his chest. He heard the car start and ride away. Jungkook rushed to follow the car. Running with all his life.

He felt a burning in his throat, he couldn't hear anything as he ran. As he slowed down, watching the car, go away, he realized the burning was due to him screaming Taehyung's name as he ran, but Taehyung never heard him...

Just like always...

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