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Arthit froze for a second looking at the silhouette. Then he heard the voice again and realized that it was coming from the guy.

He strode over to the man and helped him sit up carefully. He had been injured and there was some blood on him. Upon checking he found that the guy had been cut on his abdomen but it didn't look that ugly.

"Oh my god! Are you okay"? Arthit asked shocked.

The man just grunted in reply.

Arthit's eyes flashed with realization. "Of course he isn't okay Arthit. What stupid questions are you asking. Just call an ambulance." He mumbled to himself.

The guy tugged at his coat and forced out a 'Don't'.

Arthit was surprised. "What do you want me to do then? Let you die here?" He then gasped and continued, "or did you attempt suicide? Let me tell you young man, suicide-" he was cut off by the man.

"S-stop! 090-xxx-xxxx"


"Call the num-ber."

Arthit immediately called the person and gave him the address after explaining the situation to him.

He then went and sat down beside the man to accompany him till his relative came.

The light light flickered on and only then did he have a proper look at his face. The guy was very good looking.

Arthit thought he could literally stare at this man for hours and not get bored. His hair was unruly so Arthit gently brushed his hand through his hair distractedly.

The guy turned to him suddenly bring him back from his thoughts. Maybe he had turned too harshly as his face twisted in pain.

Arthit wanted him to forget his pain so he started talking.

"I am Arthit."

"Kong." The guy was staring at him without blinking making Arthit fidget.

But he soon got comfortable in his presence and started talking about everything and nothing to distract the guy from his pain. And the latter was listening to him attentively, humming and nodding occasionally.

"Yeah, we don't know how our new CEO is. Mr. Rueng was so good. And he cared a lot about us. Apparently it's some big shot businessman's kid. That kid better treat us well or else-" Arthit's rambling was cut off by the sound of a car.

The car stopped in front of them and a guy came out looking worried. He was pale and had a bulky body so he effortlessly put Kong in the backseat and nodded at Arthit as a greeting.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked reluctantly. It was obvious that the guy was worried as Kong needed immediate      . He was just asking out of courtesy?

Arthit shook his head and the guy immediately took off after thanking him once again.

Arthit then remembered that he had to go home quickly or else his mom would not spare him. "Shit!" He was definitely gonna get some scolding...


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