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"And lastly, this is your office sir." Arthit said opening the door to Kongpob's office.

Kongpob went in first closely followed by Arthit. The younger sat down on his chair looking around the office. After sweeping his eyes over the whole place, he finally fixed his eyes on Arthit who was standing quietly waiting to be dismissed.

"Mr. Rojnapat about the other day, thank you." Kongpob said with a smile.

Arthit's heart beat quickened. It was because of the smile or the mention of that day, Arthit himself didn't know.

"It was my responsibility to help a person when they're bleeding to death sir." Arthit exageratedly replied with a dimpled smile of his own trying to impress Kongpob. To which the latter's lips just twitched.

"Alright then Mr. Rojnapat you may go now."

"Almost forgot. The cubicle on the right is mine sir, you may call me whenever you need me." Arthit said thankful that Kongpob hadn't mentioned his rude behavior from the past. So the least he could do was help the guy with his work.

Arthit was about to open the door when Kongpob called him again.

"Oh and Mr. Rojnapat?"

"Yes sir?"

"How do you find your new boss? Is his attitude with your colleagues satisfactory?" Kongpob asked with a slight smirk.

Arthit widened his eyes, "Y-yes sir."

"I can guarantee you Mr. Rojnapat you and your colleagues will not have to deal with an inexperienced rich brat."

Arthit just nodded his head and dashed out of the office. He could hear the Kongpob's soft laughter coming from inside.

'Mr. Suthiluck is messing with me.' He thought to himself and went to his cabin. 'He doesn't seem that bad tho.'

After working for some time, Arthit saw that it was already lunch time. He then remembered that he hadn't given Kongpob the money for the flower bouquet. Kongpob was his boss now so he couldn't just give him money. So he thought of buying him lunch instead.

Knocking on Kongpob's door three times, he waited for the younger to give him the permission to enter. Hearing a soft 'Come in' he went inside.

"Sir it's already lunch time. You can tell me your order, my treat."

Kongpob was working on the computer, wearing glasses. He diverted his eyesight to the older guy and spoke. 

"It's alright Phi, you don't have to buy me lunch. But it would be a lot of help if you could bring me minced pork omlette with rice along the way."

"Your choice is so damn baby." Arthit whispered those words quietly but apparently they were loud enough for Kongpob to hear.


"I mean sir it's alright. It's your first day and besides.......I didn't even pay you for the flowers." Arthit said the last words quietly out of embarrassment.


Enjoy!! <3

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