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Arthit looked up from the file he was reading when the intercom buzzed.

"P'Arthit come to my office." Kongpob's voice came in.

He sauntered his way to Kongpob's office and knocked twice before going inside.

Upon entering an adorable sight greeted him. Kongpob was wearing big glasses and pouting slightly reading through some papers.

Realizing that the older guy was already in the office, Kongpob raised his head and smiled slightly making Arthit's heart race for some weird reason unknown to himself.

"Ah P'Arthit please give these files to P'Anthony for me. And come back soon, I have some work for you." Kongpob said removing his glasses making Arthit nod unconsciously and head out all the while sighing in his heart for the loss of such adorable sight.

When he went to the PR department, he was pulled into a corner by two of his colleagues.

"Arthit it's being said that Kongpob has a girlfriend, is that true?" Millie asked curiously.

"But I've heard that he likes boys." Eva said arguing with Millie.

"It's all nonsense. I've never heard of this." Millie countered back waving her hand dismissing it.

"No it's not. My cousin is Kongpob's friend she's the one who told me this."

The two started arguing with each other all the while Arthit was standing there awkwardly, trapped in the middle trying to dissolve the argument.

"Let's ask Arthit then. What's the truth Arthit." both Millie and Eva said at the same time, simultaneously directing their gazes at him waiting for him to answer.

"I don't know?" Arthit answered uncertain.

"But how can you not know!? You're his personal secretary." whined Eva.

"It's because he doesn't butt into other people's lives like you two girls." came a third voice. It was Anthony, the head of PR department.

"Kongpob called me asking if I received the file he sent me. I presume that is the one he was talking about?" Anthony asked pointing his index finger at the file in Arthit's hand.

Arthit nodded and stepped forward to give him the file while Anthony give Eva and Millie a look, making them go back to their seats.

Anthony recieved the file and said playfully, "Kongpob may be missing you.Go back to the boss quickly, he's called me twice now."

"Yes sir. " Arthit replied.

"Oh and please don't mind those two. They've placed a bet and that's why they're so eager to know about him" Anthony said as he stared at Eva with a loving gaze. He and Eva were dating. Those two had been together for five years and were still in so much love. Arthit had always wanted a relationship like them. 



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