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I am just a normal girl few months ago,do things what others in my age do.It was peacefull yet lonely I sometime feel that I need something and that is the thrill.I want to experience it I feel boring all my life.

I want to do something dangerous something that I can feel another emotion that I never felt before.Something like that but I truly believe of what elders say be carecfull for what you wished for.

Something terrible happen that I can't never explain to anyone.I have a fight with my boyfriend because he was forcing me to do something that I don't want.I run away from him and I bump to my schoolmate who happen to be a girl.

She is the wierd girl in th class.Her name is Jasmine Martinex who happen to be lived in the same apartment as mine.We walked togther to reach our apartment complex.I carelessly talk about what happen to me and my boyfriend and wished infront of her that I want him die because his an asshole.

I immediatly regrted thinking she might judge me but she just smile and walk to her room next to mine.In the next day I just recieved a news about my boyfriend.The caller is his mother and told me that my boyfriend is murdered.

His heart is dugged out of his body and his skin is peel off.After I heard the new my body shake in fear inside of my bedroom that morning.My hands is shaking as I ended the call.My mind is imgining his state and gross out.

I feel myself throwing up as I get off my bed.I glance outside of my window and I can see Jasmine smilling outside of my apartment.Holding a bloody knife in her right hands and I can predict that I'm in deep trouble.

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