Chapter 3

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Elisha Pov:

It's Saturday already and a police man contacted me to go to thier headquarters because they need my statement because my number is the second one that James called before the incident happen.I wore a white shorts and a oversize black shirt while wearing a black mask and a bull cap.

I breath in and out because of nervous that I might tell the police who will interogiate me that I wished to someone that James will die and I know I will become the culprit immediatly but I haven't confirmed it.I was sweating and feel quiet scared going out alone that dream still scares me so bad that I always had nightmare all the time when I sleep.

I tie my white shoes and look around my room.I closed the window so its dark here but there are some sunlight that went throught the curtain so I can see much.I look at the doorknob and encourage myself to open it.

I slowly open it and peak outside if there's some people.I saw an grandma beside my room went out to her room.So I hurriedly lock the door and walk behind her so I have companion.

She walked very slow because of her age and she has a cane that help her to walk properly.
I'm few inches away from,her looking back and front to see if someone in my back.I almost hit the elder back when she stop when we reach the elevator.

We waited to the elevator to reach our floor.I stand biside the grandma and I can see our reflection on the elevator door.She seems sad with her head down.I remember that she's the only one who lives in that room.She doesn't have any companion that I see that visit her.

We enter the elevator in silent.When the elevator is closing there's a hand that stop it.
The door slowly open and I could see Jasmine entering the elevator with a  creepy smile.I immediatly stood next to the grandma in fear.I tried not to look at her and act normal but when she stood close to me.I don't know but I tried not to breath hard.

My hands are sweating by the taught of her next to me.I can see her reflection inside of the elevator.She's wearing a black jacket and black pants.She's all black and that scares me.In the movies when the characters wore that,they are going to do some bad things 

She breath and smirk in the reflection to me.I can see that she's getting close to me and that make me uncomfortable.Is she going to kill me?Did my time has come?But I haven't  do the things I like and haven't achieve my dream.Is this what elders say don't take things for granted.But I don't think she will kill me we have the granny.......I wish she is respectful  to elders even just a little.I don't know what she will do if she will see someone getting murdered but I can imagining her hitting Jasmine with her cane.So that relived me..........or not.

I can feel her skin touching my skin and immdeiatly my back become hot because of anxiety taking over my body.I was begging god not now because I havent repay my parents for what they done.I want to buy them a house ,tour them to a nice place and give them a comfortable life before they die.So please god not now.

''Hey classmate have you done our assignment already?''

I was left doumfounded by what she said.Assignment how can I do my assignment when my ex-boyfriend just died and I'm stressed on thinking that you are the one who killed him.I coulnd't answer her or even look her straight in the eyes. I can feel her black eyes watching my body every moves.

I can smell her vanilla scent that I like everytime we crossed path in the school hallway.Her short hair that suit to her little innocent face and lastly her boring black eyes that always makes me wonder why its always look like that.She has a long fingers and a fair body.

Wait this is not the time that I should compliment her beauty.Elisha you wre about to get killed so pull yourself together.I look at the granny because she hit me with her cane in the foot.

''The kid is asking you''

She simply said and look down again.What does she mean 'kid'...Jasmine?I look at my hands and mumble some words that I coulnt tell her loudly.


I heard Jasmine says as she get her ear closer to mine.I pull my face away from her because I can clearlly smell her alluring scent.

''I said I haven't started tmy assignment''

''What you havent but tommorow is Monday and We also have a project.Did you not do our project?''

She looked shock for what I said.Well I like this but my academics are good.I don't want to dissapoint my family and waste what the money that they give me.I must strive hard so I can finish school.Both of my parents havent finish thier school so they live a hard life and we can only count on my mothers sibling because in my fathers side they abandone us because my father hasnt reach anything that they can be proud of.

''Yes stop asking me''We are not even close.The elevator tings and it open.I sigh in relief because that 5 minutes of riding this elevetor is a hell for me.I run outside and stop a taxi that was driving in the road.

I open the door and get in after telling the taxi driver the address he started driving.We arrive in the police station  and I got out after paying the driver.I  sigh and fix my clothes and I begin walking towards it.

''So where are you in the time of the murder?''The officer asked me in a dark room.They have only one lamp here and that's on our head.There's a big mirror in our side.

I clamly answer that I'm in my apartment between the murder took place.The detective then asked what is the relationship between James and me.I told him that I'm his ex-girlfriend,well we haven't properly broken up but I dicided to end our relationship when he said those things.

He asked me some things that I couls only say that I don't know because I really don't know.After the interogation is over I went to the nearest store to buy some food.When I'm done buying the things that I like to eat.

I'm walking down on the street when I heard a sound in the dark alley.I don't know what got me but I really want to see what cause the sound.

I can see a shadow that moving around.I can see it smirking while....wait stabbing someone.I can see what they are doing but not there face because this person is wearig a black mask.I hide in the boxes in the side of the alley and observed them.

I feel scared but I can bring myself to run away the reason I don't know too.The killer drastically gouge his eyes out and stab his male organ.I can clearly see how the killer stab the dead person beneath.

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