The Stars

664 13 6

Takes place after the episode above!


After celebrating their return from the underworld with the Golden weapons in Jamanakai village, they all headed back to the monastery to meet up with their Sensei. The ninjas and Nya arrived riding each of their dragons, except for Nya who had to share with Jay. Soon they saw the monastery, reaching their destination.

"I see you've all tamed the dragons." Sensei Wu walks down the set of stairs to approach his disciple.

"Well I guess they do have a soft spot, right rocky?." Cole pat his earth dragon head.

"I thought you were scared of dragons?" Kai was obviously teasing him

"that was a long time ago okay!" The black ninja responded in irritation.

"Sensei now that we have the golden weapon will you teach us how to use it?" Zane got down from his dragon frosty while holding his shurikens of ice.

"Oh Zane why did you ask that, now he's gonna make us train and won't let us rest." Jay throw his arms in defeat and sullks

"Of course, I'll train you tomorrow but for now let's eat dinner and get some rest." Sensei Wu walks back into the monastery

Jay hold Nya's hand to carefully help her get down. Kai, Nya and Jay went inside following behind Sensei. However Zane was waiting behind for Cole who's trying settle rocky in. Luckily it didn't take too long for the master of earth to do so.

"the moon is quite bright eh?" Cole walks up the stairs as his friend trail behind him.

"Yes indeed, perhaps we should go stargazing after dinner?" Zane proposed

"Wait just the two of us, like in the old days?" Cole turned around and looked at him in glee.

"We could invite the others, I don't mind." The white ninja shrugs.

Cole nodded as they continued walking up the stairs to the monastery.

in the dining room

The others are already settled down discussing about today's event as Zane and Cole walks into the room and sit down with the rest to enjoy dinner.

"So Nya... do you w- want to p- play video games with m- me later?" Jay asked stuttering a little.

"Yes that sounds fun!" she answered in a joyful tone.

"I'm gonna play along with you guys!" Kai mumbled as he's chewing his food.

"I guess we can do a 3 person game" Jay sighed, lowkey dissatisfied.

"Remember to not stay up too late, you have to train tommorow." Sensei Wu grab his tea kettle and pour some into his cup.

After finishing up their meals Kai, Jay, and Nya rushed out the room to go play some video games. As for Sensei Wu, he went back to his room to meditate. Meanwhile Zane stayed back to wash the dishes as Cole cleans up the table.

[visualization] The moon is shining so brightly that night causing the dim room to be lit up by its light

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[visualization] The moon is shining so brightly that night causing the dim room to be lit up by its light.

Zane completed washing the dishes so he decided to approach Cole from behind. The black haired ninja acknowledged this and turn his body around to face him. He sees Zane face being lit up by the moonlight, with his blue eyes also reflecting the light making it glimmer. He was mesmerized at the what he's seeing that it silence his thoughts. They stare at each for a minute before one of them broke the silence.

"Uhm, is there something on my face?" Zane asked obliviously

"no no no, your face looks great" Cole mumbled the last part

"Pardon?" The white ninja leans closer to hear him better

"AHH it's nothing, anyway do you still wanna go stargazing together?" Cole jumped back, averting his gaze out the window at the stars

"Yes of course, let's go" Zane grabbed Cole's hand and pull him out of the room.

They climbed the monastery wall and sat down there. The cool air was blowing steadily making Cole's hair flow following the rhythm of the wind. Meanwhile Zane is laying down to get a better view of the stars above and of Cole too. It's really a perfect night for them to stargaze and relax a bit from the ninja duties.

Cole POV

[inner dialog] This is truly a beautiful sight (A/N he's not talking about Zane ;D jk). I'm glad it's just the two of us enjoying the scenery, if Jay and Nya were here they'll probably flirt non stop...
Cole glance at zane who seems to be lost on his own thoughts.

I wonder what he's thinking about, he hasn't say much which is normal but still. I wonder why did he invite me to stargaze, there has to be something he wants to talks about. However perhaps he just want to do it just like how we used to.
Cole adverts his gaze back to the sky.

Zane POV

The stars seems to be aligned perfectly, this surely is a ravishing sight to enjoy. I'm glad that he is here to enjoy the view with me, I hope he still likes stargazing just like back in the day.
Zane shift his eyes from the sky to look at Cole who's sitting comfortably beside him.
He looks so peaceful, I like how his wavy black hair is flowing with the breeze. Never really noticed how long his hair is, it really suits him...


Cole drift his eyes to Zane but he didn't expect to meet his eyes, they're just gazing at each other again. There's just something unexplainable when they look at each other eyes, it's really a mystery.

"It's a gorgeous sight right?" Cole broke the silence between them

"indeed, it's quite infrequent that the sky is not littered by the clouds" Zane stares back at the sky

For the next 30 minutes they continued to relish the lovely scenery in silence, keeping their individual thoughts to themselves.

"Ahem, what are you two doing out here?" Kai intersperse on them from behind

"AHH, you scared me!" Cole jumped

"We're just stargazing, but Kai why aren't you inside playing games with Jay and Nya?" Zane asked while patting Cole's back trying to calm him down.

"Well I kept beating them in every game so they decided to go to sleep. Anyway it's quite late so we should go rest too." He said while walking to his room.

"you're right, let's go sleep" Cole followed behind him and so did Zane

Kai went into his room so now it's just Cole and Zane left in the hallway.

"Zane thanks for inviting me to see the view tonight..." Those words slipped out of Cole's mouth

"Oh, no problem maybe we can do it again sometimes." Zane smiled happily

"yeah definitely, anyway Goodnight!" Cole hastily rushed into his room.

"Goodnight, sleep well." Zane headed into his room.


Word count: 1178

Glacier, Behind The Scenes (Zane x Cole) (ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now