The Blades

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Watch the episode above before reading this chapter!


It has come to an end, the ninjas finally possess the four fangblades needed to resurrect the great devourer. Partly thanks to the help of Garmadon and the skull army for saving  them. Now all they need to do is destroy the blades so phytor has no chance of getting his hands on it again. Though they hadn't destroy it, this is still a great victory. So they celebrated their victory by relaxing as there's no longer a threat.

Lloyd has been feeling mixed emotions though. His dad has left him once again and maybe the next time he'll see him is when he needs to stop him. He is after all the green ninja now, which means he carries a lot of burden on his back. That means he needs to start training if he's going to fight Garmadon. Who knows when the day will come, so it's better he starts training as soon as possible.

The ninjas can finally loosen up after the last few intense weeks of trying to stop phytor. After their little celebration they went straight to bed. It has been a long day for all of them so they definitely deserve some sleep. However with the blades on the ship, that means someone needs to guard it. Zane decided to take the responsibility of guarding the blades as the others enjoy their deserved descent into slumber.

In the bridge.

The 4 blades are laid out on the table as Zane gaze watch over them. He's sitting there alone guarding them while his teammates sleep. The nindroid doesn't mind that he has to stay up all night, sleep isn't necessary for him after all. He sat there on high alert not letting anything distract his eyes away. His internal clock counting every millisecond that passes by as he waits till the sun rises.

Time passes by as he sits there in silence, his eyes still concentrated on the artifact that sits on the table. It has been a few hours but it's still long until anyone will wake up. The white ninja isn't completely alone however, his falcon is sitting offline beside him. He could tinker with it to pass the hour. So he grabs the bird and open the metal panel to begin mending with it.

His hands carefully navigate the mechanism inside that his father has put together. He would play around with the gears to see what it does and understand how the falcon works better. Occasionally he would take short glances at the blade making sure that it's still there. While he was tinkering with the falcon, suddenly he hears footsteps outside of the room. He rest the bird back on the table as he gets up to be prepared to defend the blades.

The master of ice didn't dare to open the door making him to tense up. He wonder who could be outside, as it's not possible for it to be one of his team members as they are all currently sleeping. The darkness of the night along with the sound of thunder doesn't help answer his question as he can't see through the window clearly. Slowly the door slid open to reveal that the person on the other side is Cole. Zane sighed in relief to see that it was just his friend, not some threat. Cole on the other hand look at Zane confused as why he was so wired up.

"Hello Cole, what are you doing up at this hour?" He sits back down.

"Oh I just couldn't sleep..." He closes the door behind him snd sat down across from him.

"Are you hungry perhaps? We do have food in the kitchen." Zane knows that most of the time his friend wakes up due to hunger.

"Uh it's not that, I was just woken up by the thunder." He lied, deep down he was worried about him.

"Well I predict that we'll pass through these thunder clouds soon, so you should be able to get back to sleep later." The nindroid said.

"Great, anyway what are you up to buddy?" He looks at the falcon that's laying on the table with its body open.

"I was tinkering with it to pass the time as I keep watch over the blades." He closes the birds metal plate.

"These blades... I can't believe my father used to win such a invaluable relic that could awaken the great devourer." Cole grab the constrictai fangblade to take a closer look at it.

"It's truly surprising and to think that all these years that blade was just seen as a trophy. I'm suprised it wasn't put in a display in a museum." He leans closer to also take a closer look at blade.

"Yeah its crazy, do you think we can turn it back into a trophy so I can give it to my dad?" The black ninja gaze adverts to Zane's eyes.

"Sorry but I don't think it would be wise to do so, besides Sensei want us to destroy them." He answered with a slightly upset tone as he too know how much Mr. Lou would appreciate getting his hands back on the "trophy".

"I guess you're right, it's too risky to keep them. But why don't we just smash it?" He stares at the other blades that's on the table.

"Apparently the blades seem to made from the great devourer's teeth which can only break under extreme heat." He says.

"I'm suprised these blades hasn't deteriorate yet, I wonder what toothpaste the great devourer used." Zane chuckle hearing his friend's joke.

"Cole aren't you a bit sleepy?" He looks at the master of earth who seem like he could pass out at any moment.

"What.... Nah I'm fine..." He yawns, which Zane obviously saw.

"I could watch over the blades alone don't worry, you need to sleep it's been a long day." He assured him.

"Okay... But can I sleep here... I don't feel like walking back to the room." Cole uses his hands as pillow as he rest his head on the table.

"Yes I don't mind..." Zane couldn't help but run his fingers through Cole's dark hair as he slowly closes his eyes and fall asleep.

He tries to not make any noise as he's scared that it'll interrupt Cole's sleep. The nindroid carefully take off his white ninja suit and cover Cole with it to use as a blanket. It's quite cold after all and beside he doesn't need it anyway. Zane watches him sleep so peacefully and can't help himself to let out a smile. He enjoys his company and the fact that he went all the way to the bridge to check on him just shows how close they are. 

The end

A/N: Thank you for reading this far, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's really focused on the two of them eee.
Please remember to vote on this chapter if you want more!!
Also point out if there's any spelling mistakes or wrong grammar!
Anyway cya all next week baii!!!

Word count: 1193

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