The Beginning

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This story takes place after the way of the ninja / the golden weapon Episode.


After escaping the mines and obtaining the Scythe of quakes, the ninjas and their sensei are now making their way to get the second weapon which is the shurikens of ice and its located at the frozen wasteland inside an ice temple. It's seems like it's going to be a long journey for them but luckily they have a map that could help make it easier.

"Sensei Wu how do we go across to the frozen wasteland?" Kai asked his tutor

"With a boat of course." The sensei answers while holding his trusty bamboo staff as he walks

"But where do we get a boat?" Zane stopped walking and look at his sensei

"wait don't tell me we're gonna steal a boat?!?" Jay too stopped on his track and shake his head in fright.

"calm down, he's not going to make us do something illegal." Cole smack the lightning ninja on the back of his head.

"follow me!" Sensei Wu ordered and starts running, the ninjas just shrug and followed him from behind

An hour later...

It seems like they've been walking forever, at this rate it seems like they aren't gonna make it anytime soon. The hot air doesn't make the trip any easier and neither does the fact that they have to get on foot to get there.

"are we there yet!?!?? my legs are gonna fall off... " jay said while panting, it seems like he could pass out at any moment

"I'm so tired..." Kai on the other hand was drenched in sweat

"patience everyone, we're close" surprisingly sensei Wu looks barely tired even though he's pretty old

Zane wasn't tired at all since he has a high endurance, but he pause running to turn his head around checking at his friend Cole who's resting his hand on his knees and breathing heavily. The ice ninja slowly walk toward him.

"Cole are you okay?" Zane face express his worry to the leader

"Yeah I'm fine buddy, don't worry let me adjust my breathing." Cole starts to breathe normally again and stand up straight to look at Zane

"I wouldn't mind carrying you on my back if you want." The white ninja gives a gesture for him to get on his back

Cole was definitely taken a back by the offer, but he couldn't decide if he should accept the help or not. Meantime the others have run pretty far away in front of them, and Jay noticed his two teamates are left behind.

"Are you guys coming or not?!" jay shouted at the two as he continues walking away

Zane and Cole jolted at the lightning ninja loud voice

"Yeah we're coming!!" they both answered in unison and continued sprinting again along with the others

After running for a bit they arrived at a beach where they found the ship sensei had mentioned earlier. All of them quickly went aboard it without wasting time. Essentially they're in a hurry to get the Shuriken of ice before the skeleton army and samukai gets their hands on it first.

on the boat

[inner dialog] I look around and it seems like things are going well so far, I haven't see any threats to us. Even if there's one we can definitely handle them as team, although I still need to get used to working with them, and also I need to listen to sensei orders too... Maybe I can do that after I save my sister and obtaining the other golden weapons.

I direct my eyes away from the water to Zane and Cole who's standing at the upper deck of the ship. The leader is driving the ship, meanwhile Zane is holding the map to help navigate around the floating ice and glacier.

[inner dialog] Huh they look pretty close with each other. I guess it makes sense after all they trained together for probably a long time. I'm quite suprised that Cole is the leader, personally I would've thought it was Zane after all he's quite-

"hey what are you thinking about?" jay interrupts my train of thought

"oh nothing, just thinking about my sister" I bluntly lied to him

"Oh, well Sorry to ask but is your sister single?" The lightning ninja smirk and nudge my shoulder

"Yes, but she's not interested in a relationship with anyone!" I punched his arm playfully

Cole POV

[inner dialog] Ugh this ship is quite difficult to control, I bet that it's very run down which is probably why. I just hope that we'll arrive there as soon as possible or else I'm gonna get sea sick and throw up...

Cole adverts his gaze at Zane who's beside him holding the map still trying to figure out how to navigate across to the ice temple.

[Inner dialog] He looks so pleasing especially with all the blue and white glacier that surrounds us, it really compliments his blonde hair and white outfit. I smile to myself

Zane notices I'm gazing at him, and he looks back at me and let out a small smile. I quickly turned away my head and try to focus on steering the boat as if nothing happened

"Are you alright?" The ice ninja asked, clearly teasing me

"Uhm yes, what makes you think I'm not" I responded in a panic, trying to hide the fact I've been caught staring...

"Well I just thought you wanted to ask me something haha" Zane said

"haha n- n- no" I let out a nervous laugh hoping that he would go and focus on his map...

"Alright, I'm going to take a break. Try your best to not crash." Zane heads down the stairs to the lower deck and joined the others to patrol for any sight of the ice tempel.

~king of shadow episode starts~

A/N: HI, so sorry that this is quite short but I do hope you enjoy it! Also remember to vote if you want more! I'll update this in the future to correct stuff if there's any mistakes. And I hope this gives you a good idea of how the story will go.

Word count: 1040

Glacier, Behind The Scenes (Zane x Cole) (ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now