The Snakebit

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A/N watch the episode above before reading this chapter.

At Ed and Edna's (a.k.a Jay parents) Junk yard

After saving Jay's parents, the ninjas head back to the junkyard.

"Sweetie thanks for dropping us off home!" Edna wraps her arms around her son

"Yeah son, thank you for the ride!" Ed takes part in the hug too.

"Haha no problem, if the Fangpyre decides to come back just call me okay?" Jay wiggle his body trying to get out of the tight hug.

"Yes son, Edna can you write that down?" Ed let's go and walks down the destiny's bounty with his wife who's writing on her notepad

"Jay make sure to eat the meal we cooked for you and your friends okay? we don't want any of you to starve! Edna shouted.

"Yes mom, you two should go back inside now!" Jay shouted back, waving goodbyes at his parents.

Nya who's in the bridge turn on the ship rocket engine so they can continue traveling through the sky. Meanwhile Jay waved goodbye to his parents along side his friends. After a few seconds the vessel finally took off into the night sky, leaving the junkyard.

On the destiny's bounty deck

"So, do you guys want to play video games?" Kai asked his fellow ninjas.

"Uh no thanks, It's been a long day for me especially after my parents almost turned into snakes..." Jay looked at the ground and whimper.

"Aw... I guess it's just the three of us, maybe you should spend time with Nya so you can bring her next time you visit your parents!" Cole pat his buddy shoulder trying to make him feel better.

"But you may want to practice on kissing your pillow first just incase" The white ninja let out a smirk, while Cole and Kai laughed

"HAHAHAHA, Zane you do have some humor after all, But why practice on a pillow when you can just do it with someone!" The earth ninja face him and winked at Zane which startled him.

"AHH I wish my parents didn't tell you guys about that..." Jay sighed and tries to hide his face from embarrassment .

"Ninjas you need to come inside and eat dinner before it gets cold" Sensei Wu abruptly interrupt their conversation.

"Yes sensei!" They answered simultaneously and quickly head into the dining room.

In the dining room

"This is for you and this one's for you" Zane cuts the roasted chicken into multiple slices and distribute it evenly among his friends.

"mmm it smells good!" Nya lower her head and took a little sniff.

"And it tastes good too!!!" The earth ninja exclaim after taking a first bite.

"Maybe your parents should come over more often, this is amazing!" Kai was shoving the food into his mouth

"Haha no, but if you guys really like the food I can just ask them to make it and I'll pick it up for you..." Jay got nervous at the thought of his parents visiting again and possibly exposing embarrassing stuff about him to his friends especially Nya.

Glacier, Behind The Scenes (Zane x Cole) (ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now