My Chance

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Amy's POV

I sit up as the door opens for my usual food time. Sasha smiles, "how are you today?" I ignore her. "Its been a year."

"I know."

"Amy, I don't think...."

I stand up, "his coming back for me. He would never leave." I sink to the floor as I try to hold onto my last bit of hope.

"Amy, wake up."

Third Persons POV

Amy begins shaking violently and Sasha sounds the alarm.

The Enterprise team stand in their group room when the alarm sounds. 'Medical staff required to cell 33.'

"Thats Amy." They all rush to her room and Bones takes over the checking her over.


Amy's POV

I wake up in a white room. I pull myself up to find wires and leads coming out of me. I find a file next to me and open it up.

My jaw drops in shock at what I read. I realise I need to leave now and start pulling out wires.

I look up to see Bones, "Amy, what are you doing?" I ignore him and continue to pull them out. He rushes over but I'm done. I get up and grab the file. "Where are you going?" I walk out and down the hallway.

Bones runs after me but I don't to move. I find a meeting room and throw open the door. I continue to try and find him.

Finally I do and he looks at me in shock, so do the others. I grab him, "did you know?"

"Know what?" I shove him before throwing the file at him. "Did.You.Know?" I say whilst gritting my teeth.

"Let me explain." Bones tries to sedate me so I shove him hard.

"Do it quickly."

"Mum told me." I glare.

"Your mum. Mine happens to be frozen in a box." With that I storm out and head towards the head of star fleets office.

I burst open the door and the man behind the desk jumps. "What are you doing?"

I move over to his desk, "I want you to take me to my parents, now." He shakes his head. "Don't make me ask again."

He nods. The doors open and the group burst through. He stands up, "if you want to see your parents, then follow me."

"Fine but alone." I glare at the group in front of me. The two of us move out and into a car.

Eventually we arrive at a warehouse far from the headquarters. We walk in and he enters codes as we go. Finally we get through and I freeze. All of his crew are here. I knew they wouldn't kill them, its not thier style.

"This way." We walk through quiet a few people before he stops. "These two."

I move closer and look into the first one. My breathing hitches at the sight of her, my mum. I look to the other one to find my dad. "Leave me alone."

"Sorry, can't do that."

"Please." I look at him through cloudy eyes. He nods and walks away. I place a hand on both of my parents as the tears escape. I become overwhelmed and fall onto my knees. The head returns with Bones.

"Amy, are you alright?" Bones bends down in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and he instantly holds me back. "Amy..."

"He did this to them." I mutter.


"Khan did this to my parents. He took them away from me and...." I interupt myself as a sob escapes.

The head bends down, "I think with some help, you will be alright." I nod into Bones, feeling myself give up as darkness takes over.


I wake again in a white room and stay there this time. I look to my left to see James sitting there. "Amy...."

"James." He smiles sadly.

Nothing else is said for the next two hours until the rest of the gang appear.

Uhura asks, "how are you?"

"I don't know anymore. I think we all knew there was something different about me but I never excepted to be.." I trail off.

The door opens again and a women with blond hair comes in. She smiles sweetly at me and I glare in response. I notice the others share looks around.

"Hey everyone." She walks over to James and kisses his cheek. "Hi."

"Hi." James smiles at her.

Okay, what the fuck? She turns to me, "oh your awake, I didn't notice." She sits on James' lap.

Time to play. "James, can you get me a drink?"

"Ask someone else." She smirks.

"Pwease." The other catch on and hide thier laughs or smiles.

"Alright." Annoyed, she gets up and he goes to get me a drink.

"Listen, his my boyfriend so don't even think about." I laugh.

"Listen, honey, if I wanted James, he would be mine." She laughs.

"Of course you want him. You've always wanted him."

"Game on." James walks back in with my favourite drink.

"Happy now?" He passes me the bottle.

"I'm working on it." He gives me a confused look. Opening the bottle, I drink whilst looking at him. Carol snaps his attention back to her.

Bones says, "we should all let you sleep." They all start saying goodbye.

"James." He looks up at me.


"Can we talk for a minute?" Carol glares.

"Sure." They all leave and he closes the door. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I know you were just excited before but you did scare me." He sits on the bed facing me.

"I know and I'm sorry." I nod.

"And so am I. I thought Khan cared about me and was going to make me happy. I was wrong."

He nods, "he played all of us. It was my fault."


"I put you on his protection." I take his hand.

"And I pushed you into it." I move my other hand up and into his hair. "You need a hair cut." He sighs but nods. "James."

"Yeah." He looks into my eyes as I am his.

"Why are really with Carol?" He breaks contact.

"I don't know." He closes his eyes before opening them again, "I thought I had lost you."

"You know that will never happen." He nods. I move closer to him and his eyes bore into mine. "James."


"Kiss me." He leans in and connects his lips to mine. I return the kiss as much as he gives it to me. We part for lack of breath from his side.
I do feel guilty. I'm sorry how I feel about Khan or James anymore I need some reassurance that someone was there for me. I explain this and he understands. He kisses my head before I lay down. "Your safe now."
"Thank you," he smiles as he leaves.
I close my eyes and begin to drift off.
Fair warning the chapters are going to be about 1100 words. It makes it easier to write and possibly means more updates.
Yep I'm back in writing. First year of university is done and I've got the summer to write my heart art.
COMMENT or message me any and as many stories that you wish for me to update and I will try.
Love you all and thanks for all the votes, comments and views.
Amy xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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