You're not stupid (Virat-Jassi)

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"You think I can do it, Virat Bhaiya?" Jassi asked nervously and all he wanted at the moment, Virat figured out, was assurance.

Virat put an arm around Jassi and that instantly seemed to comfort jassi' nerves.

"I believe you can do it, Jassi." Virat said with firmness, looking directly at Jassi.

Jassi averted his eyes. He wasn't sure if Virat Bhaiya should be so confident of him.

"I don't think I should be in the playing XI, Virat Bhaiya!" Jassi had said it out before he could think over it.

Virat looked at him shocked.

"Jass, one bad game doesn't define your talent. You're the best." Virat said impatiently. He hated the fact that Jassi was doubting himself. He believed so much in Jassi. Ro did. Jinks did. Everyone did. And Jassi should believe in himself too.

"It's not just one game, Virat Bhaiya, it's—" Jassi began.

"Yeah, you're right." Virat said, removing his arm, shocking Jassi. "You read a few stupid articles on social media and start doubting yourself for what—for just one or few matches where you were not at your best? Those people know better? I'm stupid that I back and believe in you guys so much? I'm stupid. That's what you think?"

Virat completed his last bit shouting in frustration, apparently scaring Jassi.

"Virat Bhaiya, I—" Jassi didn't know what to say. He didn't expect Virat Bhaiya to react like this.

"I'm sorry, Virat Bhaiya." Jassi said meekly, gently pulling Virat by his arm to sit. "I didn't mean that."

Virat bit his lips, regretting to shout at Jassi. How could he shout at Jassi?!

He wasn't so good at explaining things like Mahi Bhai. But all he knew was that he didn't like the idea of Jassi doubting himself even a bit. He hated it.

"Virat Bhaiya?"

"I'm sorry, kiddo!" Virat said, finally taking Jassi into a hug. "I didn't mean to shout."

"You are not—stupid, Virat Bhaiya. I mean I can't ever think that." Jassi said slowly. Clearly, he had been more sacred of Virat Bhaiya actually thinking that than Virat Bhaiya shouting at him.

"I know that, Jass." Virat said making Jassi look at him. "I say things I don't mean when I'm upset, you know that, right?"

Had it been the normal Jassi, he would have started defending his Virat Bhaiya by now but he remained silent.

Virat was utterly guilty of shouting at Jassi and Jassi, justifying himself even when he wasn't at fault only made Virat guiltier.

Jassi was about to speak when everyone started shouting for them to come for dinner.

"Let's go, Virat Bhaiya." Jassi said instead.

"Wait, Jass!" Virat said as Jassi looked up. "Promise me you will not think about it? You won't doubt yourself and give your best to the game?"

"I will, Virat Bhaiya!" Jassi said, not meeting Virat's eyes and walked out, leaving a guilty Virat behind.

I was supposed to comfort him, not make him more upset. Virat thought to himself dismally.

Jassi loved his Virat Bhaiya way too much to be upset at him but Jassi had that unsettling feeling in his heart that he had disappointed his Virat Bhaiya. No matter how much Virat Bhaiya denied, Jassi had seen the disappointment in his eyes.

"I won't let you down, Virat Bhaiya, I promise!" Jassi said to himself. If all Virat Bhaiya wanted him to do was to believe in himself, he will do it!

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