Not the same without you! (MahiRo)

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MI grabs the title for the fifth time!

Has been absolutely incredible the whole season!

The most successful team of Indian Premier League!

With these commentary still going on, MI had already erupted in the celebration which would, of course, continue for the whole night, giving a few of them hangover for next couple of days.

After collecting the trophy and being done with the post match presentation, team was back in the hotel where they were staying, in no mood to consider the covid norms which could, by any chance dim their celebration in any possible way.

"Let's start the party!" Hardik shouted gleefully joined by others in the dance celebration that had just begun.

"Rohit bhaiya, why are you standing there? Join us!" Ishan called out taking a step further towards Rohit.

"It's okay if you don't want to go, Bhaiya. We can just stand here?" Jassi said quickly pulling Rohit by grabbing his arm.

"It's okay, Ish, you go on! I'm fine here!" Rohit said in the politest tone he could so as to not disappoint the kid.

Jassi perked up. Again.

His name is Ishan, isn't it? Jassi thought indignantly. And why does he always try to cling to Rohit Bhaiya?

Rohit looked at Jassi questioningly while Jassi just shrugged slightly as he gripped his arm tighter before looking away.

Rohit couldn't help but smile. Jassi was being a bit too possessive these days. And Rohit wasn't complaining a bit yet sometimes he felt Jassi did overreact. And Rohit credited Hardik for being the reason.

Harry needs to stop rubbing off on his innocent kid!

"Jass, you sure you don't want to join them?" Rohit asked as he noticed Jassi looking at Hardik and others with a wistful expression.

"No, Bhaiya, I'll stay with you." Jassi said half heartedly.

"Are you sure?" Rohit asked promptly as Jassi' eyes were fixed upon others and Rohit could clearly see he longed to join them in.

"Yes!" Jassi muttered.

"Jassi, what are you doing here? Come with me!" Hardik shouted amid the loud music in the background.

"Come on, kiddo, join in celebration!" Rohit said coaxing him.

"But you will be alone then!" Jassi said innocently.

"I think I want to get some sleep instead, kiddo! You guys enjoy!" Rohit said ruffling his hair.

Jassi went to join Harry and others in the celebration but not before giving a smile to Rohit bhaiya. And Rohit walked to his own room returning a assuring smile to Jass.

Not that Rohit wasn't happy. He was ecstatic to win their fifth IPL title. This season has been brilliant for them. Jassi had been magical and Rohit could hardly explain how proud he was.

Despite all that, he didn't feel like celebrating. Even he didn't know why!
It's just that.. that—this year didn't feel the same! Why? Rohit didn't know.

He lied on the bed as he recalled his earlier wins with his eyes closed.

IPL 2013....

Rohit could hardly stop grinning since the time he held his first IPL trophy as the captain of his team, Mumbai Indians, vaguely having any idea that one day he will lead his team to win their fifth title.

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