His kiddos! (MahiRoVi)

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ICT was in New Zealand for T20 series and India had already won two matches.

"Congrats, Rahul! You were amazing.", said Virat patting Rahul's back who got MOM in today's match.

"Thank you", replied Rahul smiling.

Virat returned the smile and walked off.

"Where is Mahi Bhai, Ro?", Asked Virat entering Rohit's room and as usual found Rohit sleeping peacefully.

"Roohhiitttttt", shouted Virat in Rohit's ear making him jump in shock.

"Arrghhh... Why the hell you can't let me sleep?", asked Rohit annoyingly pushing Virat away.

"Do you know where is Mahi Bhai?", replied Virat casually ignoring Rohit's question.

"You woke me up to ask this?", asked Rohit getting up and Virat shrugged like it's the most common thing in the world.

"I don't know", said Rohit before going back to sleep again, "Jerk", he added.

"I heard that", said Virat rolling his eyes.


"Mahi Bhaiiii", shouted Virat as he finally got Mahi bhai. "Where were you? Kab se dhoond raha hoon aapko", complained Virat.

"One of my old friends was in the city. I went to meet him, Cheeku.", replied Mahi.

"Oh okay..", said Virat sitting near Mahi and putting his head on his shoulder.

"Anyway, you had any work?", asked Mahi ruffling Virat's hair.

"No. I just wanted to be with you.", replied Virat.

Just then Mahi got a call and Sakshi's name flashed on screen. Virat got up seeing her name saying, "Bhai, you talk to bhabhi. I'll come later", he smiled and left.

Mahi smiled at how Virat has grown up with time and picked the call walking to his room while Virat walked to Rohit's room.

"Hey, idiot!", said Virat as he saw Rohit doing something in his phone.

"That's you", replied Rohit rolling his eyes.

"What are you doing?", asked Virat trying to peep in Rohit's phone.

"Nothing to do with you", snapped Rohit hiding his phone. "Anyway, did Mahi Bhai come back?", asked Rohit.

He too wanted to talk to Mahi Bhai just like Virat after the match but unfortunately Bhai had to meet someone at the wrong time.

"Yeah.. He just", Virat stopped in between, "You knew Bhai was out?"

"Yeah.", shrugged Rohit.

"You said you don't know when I asked you", said Virat with a sulking expression.

"You asked me? When?", replied Rohit.

"Why the hell I had woken you up?", snapped Virat.

"Ohh that..", said Rohit reminiscing that Virat did ask him, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you", said Rohit rubbing the back of his head.

"No. You didn't tell me intentionally.", Virat said offended child.

"Why would I do that?", said Rohit.

"You.. You.. You are jealous. Yes. You are jealous that Bhai loves me more", said Virat as he considered it big achievement to find something to reason out.

"He loves me equally", replied Rohit rolling his eyes.

"No, he loves me more. Mahi Bhai is just mine", Virat smirked as he knew he was getting on Rohit's nerves.

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