Vice Versa! (HulRat)

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Rahul wasn't someone who gets angry easily and loses his head. He wasn't like Virat whom everything affected quite a lot unlike him who wasn't very much affected by a lot of things or at least he pretended to.

But right now Rahul sat in his room fuming about the recent happening, not even attempting to calm down.
How could he?!

"Rahuliya? Rahuliya.." Virat came hurtling towards him. He sighed in relief as he saw Rahul.

"You gave me heart attack there, Rahuliya. Never knew you can be so savage to media." Said Virat putting an arm around a protesting Rahul.

After Virat had successfully been able to drag Rahul along him to press meet, he realised it had not been very good idea. Well, everything was going quite smooth untill a press reporter decided to play with Rahul's nerve by bringing the KWK topic. However, Rahul answered the questions calmly but things became haywire when the reporter put finger on Hardik.

"Don't you think Hardik Pandya spoilt your career along his own?"

"Surely, you would have wanted him banned forever?"

"You must be maintaining distance from certain people after that?"

"So you think allowing people like Hardik Pandya play again will set wrong example for youngsters?"

Now, you can't expect anyone to answer such awful questions about his best friend, can you? Rahul had glanced sideways at Virat for support when he snapped back at the reporter but Virat, being too shocked at Rahul's sudden reaction remained silent which agitated Rahul even more. He left the press meet in between leaving everyone muttering things under their breath. Virat wrapped it up as soon as he could and rushed to Rahul's room.

"Though being a captain and as an elder brother, I must tell you, what you did is really not acceptable. You can't shout at media people like that, Rahuliya." Virat said being in his elder brother elements and Rahul refused to look at him at all. "I know they provoked you but still you can't go on shouting on every question they ask even if it is shit." Virat added quickly. as he saw Rahul opening his mouth to protest.

If Rahul wasn't this infuriated, he would have pointed out that how very unusual it was to have Virat saying all this to him but he was too busy being furious that his mind wasn't making sense in anything else.

For once, it was happening all vice versa. Virat handling a furious Rahul wasn't something you would get to witness on a normal day. Virat acting maturely was still less strange that Rahul being hot headed was.

"And look, Rahuliya, I understand that what happened at KWK was a mistake but media doesn't. Harry did say..." Said Virat in the best and the most calm way he could but this didn't go very well with Rahul.

"So you are also saying that Hardik should have been banned forever?? That his career should have ended just because of a damn talk show??" Rahul looked mad than ever before as he stood up violently accusing Virat. "You can't expect me to listen those things about Hardik and answer back politely. For god's sake, Virat, Hardik happens to be my best friend!"

How could Virat say he was wrong?

He expected Virat would understand but Virat was taking side of that brat who was trying to defame Hardik. Rahul felt even more enraged at Virat than he felt at the reporter.

"Look, Rahuliya, you're getting it wrong. I didn't mean.. " Virat tried to explain.

"Can you listen if anyone says such things about Ro in front of you?" Rahul turned on Virat. "Answer me, Virat, can you?"

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