Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of These)

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Four Days Later

After traveling to Philadelphia and burning Ben's bones, I got a phone call from Taron. He told me there was something going on around the Dallas area that he thinks may be something the three of us should look at. Young teenagers were dying in their sleep and they were all taking place at sleepovers.

There were no traces of blood or any kind of signs of break in. The only clue the officers have are the bodies themselves. The faces all looked frightened, like they were literally scared to death.

Authorities were thinking this was a case of teenagers doing some sleepover based prank like "Bloody Mary" and having it go horribly wrong, but the only witnesses kept insisting their innocence, saying they were not doing anything out of the ordinary.

Taron would come help but he was recruited by a few hunters out of state to help out with a case, so he had to take care of that.

It was just myself, Dean, and Sam trying to figure out what we are dealing with, books all over the hotel as Sam and I scanned every single one while Dean just laid in his bed, eating a cheeseburger.

He may be a good hunter, but when it came to research, Dean was pretty much like that one kid in the group that put in no effort on a project.

"The only explanation I have for this is a demon," I said, "They are known for being the cause of sleep paralysis...at least that's what we know. Medical experts usually try to link sleep paralysis to stress or other sleep disorders."

"So we're dealing with some kind of Freddy Krueger shit?" Dean said.

"Not exactly," I said, "Sleep Paralysis caused by demons have a multitude of origins, going from the UK, America, Thailand, Japan, even the people of Fiji have their own version of it. Freddy Krueger in the movies was once a man that was killed by an entire town, but I think in this case we're not dealing with some vengeful spirit like Krueger was. This is definitely a demon, as they know how to kill without making a mess."

"Has any of your psychic friends experienced them?" he asked.

"A few have, yeah," I said, "Taron spoke to a few people who have experienced a sleep paralysis demon in some way, and the most common reports say that the demon can either appear as a beautiful man or woman, also known as a succubus and incubus, or they come in the form of an old hag."

"Well if we get this demon to come after me, I at least want to die in the hands of a beautiful woman," Dean said.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to the book I had. "Don't count your chickens," I said, "You may just get suffocated by a handsome man instead if they heard you say that just to piss you off."

"Well, now you just jinxed by giving them the idea," he said.

"I'm not the one who...." I said.

"Hey guys," Sam interrupted, "Come look at this."

I looked over to Sam who was sitting at the motel table with his laptop.

"Find something, love?" I asked as I went over to where he was sitting.

"Yeah," he said, "This website that talks about how to control your dreams..."

"Controlling dreams?" Dean said as he sat on the other chair.

"Apparently there's this article going around about something called 'lucid dreaming.' It has an entire step by step procedure," Sam said, turning his laptop to Dean.

"Shit...this is never good," I said.

"Why, you know of this?" Dean asked.

"Some psychics used it in the past to connect and communicate with each other," I said, "Think of it as early long distance calls."

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