The Joker

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The car was dead quiet after I finished laughing. Both boys looked ahead, not looking at me.

"Um, hello? I asked a question," I said.

"Oh I'm sorry," Dean said, "I didn't hear that question over that insane laughing fit you just had. I was also wondering what the damn punchline was."

"First of all, smartass, shock makes you do weird and unexpected things. Secondly, when were you going to tell me that you were wanted for....oh I don't know...let me think on what the news station card theft, stolen identity, and oh, get this...murder??"

"You honestly think I would kill an innocent civilian?" Dean said, scoffing, "I thought you knew me better than that, Rose."

"You don't hurt people unless you need to, I know that," I snapped.

"Then what are you getting so angry about?!" Sam said.


Did I hear that correctly?

Was Sam, out of all the people in this car, REALLY that dense about it despite being a college boy?

"Jesus Christ. Are you both REALLY that stupid? I'm not mad that you probably killed someone because I know there must have been a reason for it! I'm not mad about the theft charges because pretty much every hunter does the same thing to help 'pay' for travel! So...what could Rose possibly be mad about? Oh wait, I think I've mentioned this not too long ago, but like most men, ya'll just hate to listen. I'M PISSED BECAUSE YOU BOTH NEGLECTED TO TELL ME THAT YOU PRETTY MUCH HAVE WARRANTS ON YOUR BACKS!!! You think MAYBE, just MAYBE, that was important information to tell someone you knew for a while and that you haven't seen for FIVE WHOLE YEARS!"

"I'm sorry! Okay? It slipped my mind!" Dean shouted back.

"How does something like that slip your mind??" I asked, "I mean, I get that this is part of the job of the hunter, but really?? 'Oh Rose, by the way we are dealing with some issues with the cops.' That's hard for you to remember??"

"We said that the cops may get involved before we left for the bank, Rose!" Sam said.

"Yeah, I thought that meant that a banker was going to pull a silent alarm! It didn't occur to me that also meant 'Wanted Dead or Alive' Sam!"

Sam's response was just a look. Not just any look. It was THE look.

The look that lets you know that he would like to say so much more but won't because he knows he'll either lose or say stuff he will regret.

He turned back around and looked forward, looking out the window as Dean continued to speed up.

I sighed. Might as well find out the truth now.

"What happened?" I asked, "Dean...why is there a warrant out for your arrest for murder?"

Dean took a moment before responding. "There was another shifter case we were dealing with," he said, "And the shifter turned into me as it was holding a gun."

"Of course. Damn shifter."

"Satisfied?" Dean asked.

"Give me a few more hours before you start pushing my buttons, Winchester."

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean growled.

"It means keep your mouth shut and just keep driving so I won't say anything I will regret later on," I snapped.

Dean was about to say something but Sam put his hand on his brother's shoulder, stopping him before another exploding match.

"Stop," Sam said, "It's done."

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