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Key Words -

y/b/n - your brother's name


An Archon of the Moon? The Archon who is able to control Nighttime, you have a twin brother named y/b/n and he is the Archon of the Sun.

You became an Archon due to your past, your brother wasn't there on that day except how you did become an Archon was that you had mix emotions at once.

Your brother became an Archon by having something powerful happen to them, he had the power to achieve his goal by winning his true goals and he managed to do it.



"Big Brother, Big Brother! Where are you going?" You asked your older brother, who seemed to be getting ready to leave somewhere "Ah Y/N! I forget to tell you since I already told Mom and Dad about it, I'm heading over to the City on Contracts" your older brother smiled softly at you.

You gasped happily, you always wanted to visit the City of Contracts "Big Brother? Could you possibly get me a souvenir from there, I always wanted to know about the City of Contracts!" you smiled happily, your eyes sprinkling in joy.

"Of course I will get you a souvenir, just promise not to tell anybody else about me going there" your older brother chuckled "Okay, I won't tell anybody!" you smiled widened, you will so happy that you would get something that the City of Contracts.

"Alright I'm heading off Y/N, I'll see you in a week" your older brother waving goodbye as you did the same.

2 hours later

You were walking around your town at nighttime, during your daily night strolls, your town wasn't an nation, it was an ordinary town placed in the middle of nowhere.

You were walking happily until you heard gunshots and screaming from the distance, you look in front you to notice tons of people running past your direction.

"Y/N WE GOTTA GO!" Your dad yelled as he grabbed your hand and started running "Where's Mom? What's going on Dad??" you told your Dad in a worried tone.

"Some people randomly came in and shot our chief so now we have to run, otherwise we are next" your dad said in an angry tone "WHAT ABOUT MOM??" you shouted, now worried about her as well.

"Your mom heard the gunshots and immediately started running, everybody is heading past the bridge where they can't get us" your dad shouted, he was running until he heard people behind you both.

It felt like everything was in slow motion.. he heard the gunshots aiming towards you so he pushed you out of the way "DAD!" you shouted, your dad taking all of the bullets...

"NO!" you shouted, your dad was bleeding on the ground, laying down with his back facing the ground "Y/N... I don't think I am going to make it" your dad said, he smiled softly as he moved the hair out of your face.

Tears streaming down from your eyes down to your cheeks, falling onto the ground. Your eyes became red, you heard people running towards you.

You could have sworn the sky suddenly became darker, the moon somehow started flicking a red color "Dad... please! You will make it, let me take you!" you shouted, more tears falling down from your eyes.

"Y/N... remember this in your heart" your dad said as he pointed to your heart, you felt tons of emotions crawling up your skin.

"You will never give up no matter what, if you get knocked on your knees.. you get up no matter what!" your dad said, struggling with words except you understood what he said.

Archon of the Moon... | Yandere Genshin Impact x Archon! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now