Chapter 42

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You both slowly entered Khaenri'ah as you observed the area with your brother, you both were amazed by it's beauty.

Your brother heard noises as he came towards you and whispered into your ear "Could you do me this quick favour? And cover your eyes and ears again?" he spoke as you nodded in confusion.

You covered your ears and shut your eyes well, your brother grabbed your waist and dragged you both near a hiding place as he observed the Archons.

'What are they doing here...?' he thought to himself, for some reason Barbatos got his bow out and aimed towards a bridge where there was people on it and powered his Arrow, he then let go as it went towards there.

Suddenly there was an explosion as all of the citizens of Khaenri'ah began to scream and fear and began running away from the explosion where some people are dead...

Your brother gasped as he hid fully in the bush, he removed your hands from your ears as you opened your eyes.

"Okay look around the area except don't-" before your brother could finish, you stuck your head up and looked around as you gasped and hid under the bush again.

"Overreact..." your brother mumbled as he finished his sentence "WHY IS EVERYTHING ON FIRE?!" you shouted as you waved your arms around in a panic, your brother was confused on how you didn't notice the Archons.

He peeked again and realized that they weren't there anymore as he sighed in relief, he got up as you did the same, you both looked around again as he thought of something.

"We need to help the people of Khaenri'ah... they will die if we don't do anything, even if we can't save all of them..." he mumbled as you nodded determinedly, you both pulled your hoods up as you followed your brother who started running.

The Pyro Archon known as the God of War activated their power as everybody was screaming in pain or unfortunately died, a mother with 2 kids was about to be hit when they realized they didn't get hurt.

They opened their eyes and noticed an Archon, an God, was defending them as your shield was attached onto your arm as you tossed your arm on the side and made the shield disappear.

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE" you shouted as the mother nodded, she grabbed her 2 kids and ran as you began running around again.

Barbatos flied around and was about to shoot some guards, he aimed towards them as they didn't notice Barbatos from the above and he let go of the bow as the arrow shot towards them.

Your brother noticed as he stuck his left hand out as shot his power at the right time which hit the arrow and caused an explosion right above the guards which they noticed and ran away from in time.

Barbatos was in shock and looked around to see who did it but noticed nobody, he noticed a black and red cubes coming around the area as his eyes widened and gritted on his teeth in fear.

Baal was trying to fight but couldn't do it properly as she heard noises behind her and looked to notice... the Heavenly Principles staring down at her with blocks in her hands...

"Dear Heavenly Principles..." she spoke as Beelzebul rushed in and noticed Baal and ran towards her, she found out that her sister ran off somewhere and didn't know until now.

The Heavenly Principles didn't say anything then... she killed Baal... Beelzebul noticed as her eyes widened, Baal fell on the ground as Beelzebul came in and hugged her sister tightly and cried. Placing her face in her sister's chest as her sister was slowly dying.

Baal looked behind her sister slowly as she noticed your brother who watched the death happen right in front of him, she smiled softly as he did the same and began to cry then... Baal has unfortunately passed now...

The Heavenly Principles sensed something as she activated her power, creating a star-shaped portal and walked through it as she left. Leaving all of the black and red cubes roaming around Khaenri'ah...

You and your brother met at the entrance as you realized there was no hope, your brother grabbed you and quickly ran out with glossy eyes after witnessing Baal's death...

"WAIT! BIG BROTHER WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE THEM?!" you shouted, he only continued to run...

The man who was supposed to defend Khaenri'ah watched his own nation fall apart, he noticed how gorgeous you were, how nice you were for trying to save the people of Khaenri'ah as he obsessively blushed.

Somewhere Farther Away...

Two people who were known to be twins known as Aether and Lumine were on Celestia as they were about to leave when the star-shaped portal appeared in front of them, the Heavenly Principles then stepped out of the portal slowly, glowing gold underneath her as she takes steps.

"Outlanders, your journey ends here!" she spoke as she tossed her left arm to the side, the particles behind her making a noise.

"Who're you?!" Lumine shouted "The sustainer of Heavenly Principles, the arrogation of mankind ends now" she spoke as she stuck her right hand near her with a small cube that then began a big black and red cube.

There seemed to be an huge square-shaped underneath Lumine and Aether as they noticed it on the ground and moved away in time, causing the square-shaped tile into a cube which grows bigger.

Lumine and Aether got their wings out as they also prepared their swords, flying towards the Heavenly Principles who stuck her left arm out and sends black and red cubes that were all together.

Lumine and Aether managed to dodge all of them as Aether was now being chased by all of them and so was Lumine when Lumine got her sword ready as she rushed towards the Heavenly Principles and so did Aether as he did the same.

Causing an massive explosion in the middle as the Heavenly Principles had both of her arms sticking out, Aether being on the left side of her and Lumine being on the right side of her...

Select a Twin...





Am I the first book to allow the Readers to choose their twin? Because I always see many books choosing the twin instead of allowing the Readers and please do choose a Twin you actually like, cuz I'm 100% a lot of people are only choosing Aether to see Lumine as the Abyss Princess so choose the twin you are actually interested in seeing!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do stay tuned for Chapter 43!! Bye bye for now!! <33

Word Count - 1165

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