Chapter Nineteen: The Final Battle

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As soon as the elements went into the other room, Alex punched Ash in the face and held him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Ash, it's one thing to destroy our home, kidnap me and pretend to be me, then trick us with all your creatures, but it's a whole other story if you kill one of our friends! Vivian's death was all your fault and you will pay for this!" Alex didn't let Ash speak. He held Ash up against the wall. 

Misty stepped forward and put a bubble of water around Ash's head, forcing him to hold his breath. Ash popped the bubble and pushed Alex to the ground. 

"You've defeated all of my creatures! No matter! I shall destroy you!" Ash then took on a new form.

His right eye turned phantom purple and his left was blood red. He had a long, torn black cloak. Spikes came out of his shoulder blades and tore through the back of his cloak. He also wielded a scythe. He turned into the Grim Reaper, Ash's true form.

Ash quickly dashed forward and swung his scythe violently at the elements. They jumped out of the way and Alex crafted a lighting bolt. He threw it at Ash.

Ash blocked the lightning bolt with his scythe and sent it flying towards Misty. Misty could not fight that because lightning an water don't mix. A single hit with a lightning bolt, it would give Misty a deadly shock. 

Jasmine quickly jumped in front of Misty and put a pillar of ice between her, Misty, and the lightning bolt.

Skylar made it very windy in Ash's direction, making it difficult for him to move. Ash sliced through with the scythe and lunged for Ava. Kendall tried blocking it, but ended up getting a bloody cut on her arm. 

"Kendall are you alright?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I'm fine!" Kendall healed the wound with her magic.

"Oops! Sorry! Didn't mean to make your friend bleed!" Ash said sarcastically.

"You jerk!" Ava muttered under her breath.

Scarlet ran up behind Ash, hands and feet ablaze, and struck him right in the lower back. Ash stumbled and turned around to face her.

"Aww Scarlet. I can just see the fury in your eyes. You're blinded by your rage. Poor Vivian can't back you up this time." Ash said.

Scarlet threw fire at Ash's face. 

"Don't talk about her in my presence! Her death was all your fault and you know it!" Scarlet yelled.

"You poor little thing. You are never going to see your precious Vivian anymore. My Zecora did such a good job, didn't she? You were too weak to save her." Ash said.

"STOP!! I HATE YOU, ASH!!" Scarlet ran to Ash. He blocked her attack. Scarlet kept punching and punching, trying desperately to get a hit. She kicked Ash in the shin and started recklessly fihting Ash. Many of the moves she started making weren't smart ones at all.

"Scarlet. Don't act so reckless now. I doubt your team wants another dead body to deal with." Ash taunted.

"Not another WORD! All this time, I've been thinking about what you did to my sister. The thought of you manipulating her like you did just BURNS me on the inside! Now, thanks to you, I have to cope with the DEATH of one of my ONLY friends! Vivian. You killed her and I will NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!" 

At this time, Scarlet was letting her usual tough attitude melt away. It was all replaced with a very very strong grudge. No one has ever seen Scarlet act like this before. 

"Scarlet! Be careful around him! Don't let your emotions take control!" Skylar shouted.

"But how can I NOT be angered, Skylar?" Scarlet asked.

"Come on, Scarlet! Where did your energetic don't mess with me attitude go? Did it disappear?" Ash asked.

"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!" Scarlet yelled.

"Scarlet, calm down. Please." Misty pleaded.

Scarlet ignored Misty and tried to hit Ash in the face with a fist of fire. Ash fought back, deflecting Scarlet with the blade of his scythe. Scarlet didn't hesitate, but she was so desperate for a chance to avenge Vivian's death and Alice's betrayal, she began to fight with very reckless moves. Ash cut her right in the hip with his scythe.

"Scarlet no! Back away! Stop attacking!" Alex shouted. He jumped forward and shot lighting at Ash.

Ash fell forward a little, stumbling, but then caught himself. Alex then pulled Scarlet away from Ash.

"What were you thinking?" Alex asked her.


Alex saw tears rapidly running down Scarlet's cheeks.

"I know you do, but you can't keep acting like this or you're gonna get yourself killed too! The last thing we need is another death! Especially with an element as powerful as you! You won't be able to avenge Vivian if you die too." Alex said.

Scarlet calmed herself down. "Yeah. I know... Sorry Alex. I just really want to kill him so badly." 

"It's okay, Scarlet. I understand that this must be really tough for you to deal with. But we need to work together from now on, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." Scarlet said.

"More importantly, are you alright? Ash cut you and you're bleeding!" Sophia asked.

"Yes, Sophia. It's fine. Thanks though." Scarlet said.

"I can heal you." Kendall offered.

"No Kendall. You can save you power for more important things, like whipping Ash off the face of the universe." Scarlet directed.

"Okay! Everyone get ready to fight! And, no reckless moves." Misty ordered.

"As you wish, Misty." Jasmine said.

Ash caught them off guard and came forward at them, ready to slice all ten elements with his scythe. They jumped out of the way and Jasmine did the same thing with her sword. She managed to get a hit on Ash! She sliced right on his collar bone as she ran passed him then swiftly turned back around.

"ICE FLOOR!" She shouted. 

A sheet of ice magically appeared under Ash's feet and he slipped.

Misty ran forward and put the bubble around Ash's head again.

Sophia assisted Misty by wrapping Ash in some very sturdy vines.

Jasmine, still behind Ash, put her arm around his shoulder so the blade of her sword was touching his neck.

Kendall ran forward and snatched Ash's scythe away before he could grab it back and gave it to Ava.

Scarlet put a ring of fire around Ash, the smoke rising right in his face.

Alex internally paralyzed Ash with his lightning.

Skylar flew above Ash and blew her wind down on him really hard so he couldn't move.

Lucy and Jess made their eclipse and Ash closed his eyes trying not to go blind.

Ash tried to fight back, but didn't suceed.

"Ash. Grim Reaper. Bringer of despair. Lord of darkness... YOU LOSE!!" Misty said as she let go of the bubble and Sophia controlled her vines to toss Ash out of the room. 

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