Chapter 3

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(Fun fact the heading picture or whatever you call it was taken by yours truly uwu. Praise me.)

Author's POV:

After the boys Aether, Benny, and Razor finished unpacking their things they immediately broke their pact and left Aether alone in the dorm while the other two went to steal food from another friend of theirs. "Chongyun, I think his name was..?" Aether questioned out loud. "Who?" asked a voice from behind the couch. 

Aether jumped and whipped his head around, greeted by Albedo, Scaramouche, and Xiao again. Aether sat there, sweating buckets. 'Oh god, I've been caught' He thought as the three closed in. One sat on either side of him, and the third stayed behind. "What're you doing without your friends, Aether?" Scaramouche sneered. "Th-they just wanted to get food from another friend." Aether refused to make eye contact with any of the boys that surrounded him.

"Really? How unfortunate for you." Albedo said through a soft smile. 'He's so hard to read what the hell..' Aether's face contorted out of confusion and Albedo immediately dropped the smile. "Well, now that we have you alone.." Scaramouche started but Xiao cut him off, "Join us for lunch today. That's an order." Scaramouche glared at Xiao before backing him up, "If you don't show up, we'll make your life extremely difficult." The tiny man threatened Aether through a smirk.

The three noticed Aether's hesitation and fear then finally added, "Don't worry, we won't bite, unless you'd like us to~" Aether let out a small scream and ran to his room, locking the door behind himself.

Aether's POV:

'OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. WHAT WAS THAT?? LUNCH!?' My thoughts got the best of me as I sat against my door, a worthy blockade. I could hear the three bickering amongst themselves but could only make out so much. 

"IDIOT! WHY'D YOU LOOK AT HIM LIKE THAT WE WERE THIS CLOSE TO SEALING THE DEAL!!" I can't tell which is which, all I hear is more yelling of about the same thing. Except one voice, it was clearly Albedo, "If you both don't shut up he'll hear us, then we'll really be screwed." It was kinda late for that but whatever.. "What do they mean by that..?" I thought out loud.


Author's POV:

Aether slowly made his way to class after the draining interaction with Scaramouche and friends. (Trademark 😉) He sat in his usual seat just as the bell rang. 'Perfect as always' He thought. He'd been going to that school for two years now (Him and Lumine are 2nd years) so he knew it like the back of his hand, and how to easily evade being late. Just as he was internally praising himself a certain red-head burst through the classroom doors, his blue eyes landing straight on Aether. 'Please no..' Aether pleaded to the man with his eyes but his silent cries were ignored when the giraffe jumped on Aether.

"Aether my darling!! I'm so happy to see you again! You're just as stunning as ever!!" Tartaglia yelled, loud enough for even neighboring classrooms to hear. Aether shot daggers at Tartaglia with his eyes. Those were also ignored as he continued to cling to the small blonde. "MR. TARTAGLIA!! If you cannot find your seat I will assign cleaning duties to YOU" Tartaglia shrunk back and sulked his way to his seat. Aether chuckled at his friend's behavior then was also called out by the teacher. "Is something funny, Aether?" The boy's eyes widened and he hastily shook his head. Contrary to Aether, Tartaglia had no problem laughing out loud.

Aether's POV:

In the end, we both got sentenced to cleaning duty because we couldn't stop laughing at each other. Xiao and some boy named Thoma also joined us due to poor behavior or whatever they got in trouble for. 

"Aetherrrrr~" Tartaglia beckoned. "Come sit on my lap~" I deadpanned and shutdown his request. "We have to clean, Tartaglia." The ginger groaned and wrapped himself around me. "We can leave that to those two losers though!!" I gasped and elbowed him in the ribs, shooting him a 'You fool!!' type look. Xiao glared at Tartaglia, who was still thoroughly wrapped around me, and said "Why don't you keep your grabby hands to yourself and actually do your job, you limp noodle." They glared at each other for awhile before the Thoma kid intervened.  "Or you could both focus so me and my fellow Blonde could do our work!" He smiled brightly before moving over to me, allowing the other two to fight.

"Hey, I'm Thoma, I just transferred here." He stuck out his hand and showed me a warm smile. I returned the smile and greeting, saying "Oh, hello, I'm Aether, it's nice to meet you." We smiled at each other for a sec before resuming our cleaning duties.

A while later the student council vice president appeared and told us we were allowed to leave for the day. "Don't we still have classes?" Thoma questioned. Vice president Gorou tilted his head and replied, "No..? School ended an hour ago." The four of us stood in shock as Gorou chuckled a little, "Sorry you were here for so long, apparently, your teacher forgot he assigned you with cleaning." Gorou laughed a bit awkwardly while the rest of us deadpanned. "He did what?" Tartaglia sounded pissed. Gorou rubbed the back of his neck and apologized once more before departing.

"What the hell is that, how did he forget us?" Thoma said, he ended up accompanying me back to my locker since ours were pretty close together. "I have no idea, but that's super dumb." We walked back to the dorms together too, it was nice to be accompanied by a new friend.

When we arrived Thoma walked me all the way to my dorm. "Thank you so much for walking me here, you really didn't have to." I gave him a small smile and even a giggle. His face flushed a bit and he looked away, "It's totally fine, it was super fun hanging out with you, you're really funny!" We both laughed and said our goodbyes, I didn't enter my dorm though. Not yet. 'What if Xiao's there with Scaramouche.. He's probably still pissed about today.. SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT LUNCH! I'M SO DEAD!!' I hesitated before opening my door and seeing..

Haha funny cliffhanger moment.

Thank you lovelies for reading this chapter as well, I live for Aether harem and I'm glad other thirsty people do too. 😌

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