Chapter 33

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As much as Venti pokes fun at his 'coworkers' he's definitely the one they baby.

Author's POV:

As Aether and Scaramouche made their way back to their own dorm, Scaramouche started asking the boy questions. "Did you have fun with Kazuha today? What did you guys do?" Aether's face flushed at the question and he just nodded, not ready to tell the man that loves him so that he had sex with another person. Scaramouche had already figured it out though and just sighed, wrapping an arm around Aether's shoulder to bring the boy closer. "I know I said I didn't care who or what you did, but I'm really starting to get jealous Aeth. At least with Bennett and Razor I can join in most of the time, but with other people.." Scaramouche cut himself off with another sigh, squeezing Aether tight. "I just don't want to have to wait any longer.." Scaramouche spoke quietly, trying to make sure Aether didn't hear.

It was a failed attempt and now Aether feels like shit. Aether sighed and rested his head on Scaramouche's shoulder, which made the man smile, his cheeks flushing pink. "You're so cute Aether." Scaramouche rubbed the boy's back and guided him out the dorms. "Wait where are we going?" Aether finally realized they weren't going home when him and Scaramouche had just made it out the front doors to the dorms. "I promised to hangout with 'Bedo and Xiao today, so now you're coming with. That's alright, right?" Aether nodded slowly, he still was weary of those two but since Scaramouche was with him he thought it'd be fine. "Why do you call Albedo that though? You seem like the type to hate nicknames." Scaramouche just rolled his eyes and laughed at Aether's comment. "It's what the Author calls him." (Insert fourth wall breaking.)

After Albedo had picked the two up, they began their journey to a large rec center. It had laser tag, a corner of the place filled with arcade machines, mini golf, and it served great pizza. (Basing half of this chapter on things in my personal life lmao) Aether had been there a few times with his family but he'd never gone with friends, he was excited. "Isn't a bit late out though? What if we get in trouble for staying out past curfew?" (Curfew is 10:00, it was 11:20) Albedo just let out a chuckle as the three of them got out the car, Xiao was already waiting inside. "It's fine, we'll just have to clean the gym for a week. That's nothing." Aether nodded and smiled, comforted by the blonde's words. "Let's hurry, Xiao's been waiting for 10 minutes already." Scaramouche spoke as he took Aether's hand and led the boy into the building, Albedo walking behind them.

After entering the building, they were called to a table full of food by Xiao, who had already ordered. "Aether? Why's he here? And why're you wearing something like that? It's way to cold outside for skirts." Aether just laughed and sat down next to the man, which Xiao appreciated. Aether and Scaramouche had came straight to meet Albedo and Xiao, so Aether didn't have time to change. Scaramouche nodded in agreement with Xiao's words as he sat across from Aether, though he smiled. He liked what Aether was wearing just as much as the next man, he still didn't see how it was practical though. Albedo reached over the table and grabbed Aether's hand, a smile on his face. "Though I agree with them, I think you look great Aether. Pink really suits you, it fits well with your blonde hair." Aether blushed and returned the smile, whereas Scaramouche and Xiao just laughed. "Ehh? So you think you'd look good in pink too? You are a blondie after all, 'Bedo."

Xiao and Scaramouche continued to cackle while Albedo just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You know that's not what I meant." Xiao and Scaramouche just continued to laugh, and Aether joined them in it. He liked being around this type of friendly banter, he found it refreshing and amusing. Albedo just sighed, his lips curling into a soft smile. It appeared as though he enjoyed it too.

After finishing their food, they decided to head to the arcade portion of the building, which Xiao was extremely excited about. "C'mon Scara let's do a dunk competition! Loser has to do the other's homework." Xiao grabbed Scaramouche's hand and dragged the man to the basketball arcade machine. The teal haired man was extremely competitive, that's why he played so many sports. He refused to lose, and he was great at basketball, even though he was vertically challenged. (Same bitch) Aether laughed as he watched Scaramouche get dragged off into the crowd, leaving the two blondes alone. "Wanna play air hockey?" Albedo spoke as he extended his hand to Aether, a smile on his face. Aether nodded and returned the smile, taking the man's hand as Albedo led him to the free machine.

"It sure is busy for a Sunday night. Don't these people have school or work tomorrow?" Albedo spoke through soft grunts, using his full focus to skate the puck back in Aether's direction. Aether just laughed and shook his head, effortlessly blocking Albedo's attacks. "You could say the same about us." Albedo sighed, knowing Aether was right. In the split second he had closed his eyes though, Aether had scored again. "What the fuck why are you so good at this?" Albedo spoke in a low tone, annoyed and embarrassed to have lost so many times. "Me and my sister play like our lives depend on it, I can't afford to lose." Aether laughed as he spoke, thinking back to all the wars that have started over heated gaming sessions with his sister. Albedo laughed at the response and nodded, fully understanding why Aether had the skills he did. "Let's go do something else then."

"A shooter?" Aether spoke in a dull tone, clearly upset. Albedo just laughed and looked at the boy, a smirk on his face. "What? You don't like them?" Aether shook his head and sighed, picking up his plastic gun. "No it's not that, they're just not as fun to me." Albedo let out a loud cackle in response, his smirk turning into a malicious grin. "No, I think you're just unwilling to admit you suck at them. One person can't be good at everything, right?" Aether just glared at the man and readied his 'gun.' Albedo smiled at the reaction and did the same, inserting the quarters to play. "I'll beat your ass, just you watch." Aether spoke confidently while Albedo just laughed.

After they finally came to a draw, Albedo and Aether went back to their table to wait for Xiao and Scaramouche. "Why are they taking so long..?" Albedo grumbled as he looked at his watch, a dark expression on his face. Aether just laughed and stood up, speaking next, "Don't worry they probably just got too immersed in their competition, I'll go find them!" Aether showed Albedo a thumbs up, which earned a small smile in response.

Finally, Aether had found them after about 15 minutes of searching. Aether ran up to the two, who were as predicted still playing in their little competition. "You guys!" Aether smiled at them as he ran up to hug them both, which made both males blush and stop their gameplay. "Aether? What are you doing? Where's 'Bedo?" Xiao spoke with a confused expression, though his cheeks were still pink. "He's at our table waiting. Do you know how long you've been playing? C'mon!!" Scaramouche and Xiao let out sheepish laughs as they followed the boy back to an unamused Albedo, who only smiled at Aether.

"What took you so long? What were you doing, fucking?" Albedo spoke sarcastically, something he didn't usually do. Xiao and Scaramouche just laughed, while Aether rolled his eyes and took his seat. "Come and sit down, we gotta finish this food before we do laser tag otherwise it'll be gross and cold when we come back out."


"Yeah! Laser tag! I'm gonna beat your ass Scaramouche."

"In your dreams pipsqueak."


"You guys really don't have any concept of 'there's a time and a' place do you?"

Kinda sad I couldn't write smut, but it wouldn't fit and Aether needs to be able to walk for school. Also didn't proofread because I didn't feel like it ❤

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