Chapter 39

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Thank you guys for the help yesterday I love you all 🤧🙏

Author's POV:

Aether woke up sore all over and almost completely lacking the ability to breath. Sleeping in a pile with four other highschool boys was nightmareish. "When did Benny get here.." Aether groaned as he sat up, the other four still asleep. The blonde slowly and cautiously got up and out of bed to change into one of Xingqiu's uniforms, not wanting to wake his friends just yet. His plan of letting them sleep a little longer failed when Chongyun was awoken to the sound of Aether dressing himself. Aether looked over and smiled at his friend as he finished, helping Chongyun out of the body stack. Chongyun had never been a morning person so he ended up just flopping onto Aether, using the boy as a pillar of support.

"Chongyun get up..!" Aether tried his best to push his friend off but only ended up laughing as he embraced the ice boy, who appreciated the affection. Eventually though they did have to leave, Aether felt a little sick to his stomach so he decided to rest in the dorm for the day, which his friends were upset about, they wanted to help but they decided to just let him rest and send Lumine over later. Scaramouche asked if Aether was okay over text and insisted upon staying with the boy, but relented once he realized it'd probably just end in sex as always.

After a few hours at the dorm, Aether's condition had worsened but luckily by then his sister was there to take care of him. "Don't you have classes?" Aether spoke through groans as he gripped his stomach, he figured he'd eaten something bad, that's how it usually works at such large rec centers. The food is never good. His sister laughed as she handed him the medicine, a soft smile on her face. "Are you kidding? I'll take any excuse to get out of class, especially if it involves seeing my adorable brother." Aether laughed at the compliment and nodded, happy that he wasn't completely being a burden.

"Soo.." Lumine spoke after Aether had taken his pills and drank some water. "I heard you've been uh.. exploring your sexuality lately.." Aether sat straight up at those words, his face completely red as he feared the worse. The sudden reaction startled Lumine and she just laughed, placing a reassuring hand on her brother's shoulder. "No no don't worry I'm not here to scold you, I just want the juicy details~" Lumine let out a creepy laugh as she scooted closer to her brother, an equally creepy grin on her face. Aether sat there, awe struck for a bit before he laughed and nodded, happy to spill his guts for his sister.

"So what do you wanna know? Who? Where? When? I'll answer any question, heh~" Aether and Lumine giggled as they huddled together in the boy's bed, their interaction cute enough to make a grown man cry. "Who? I am for certain you've already fucked Benny and Razor, I see the way they eye you~ But who else?" Lumine spoke as her and Aether proceeded to cuddle on the boy's bed, the affection something they both missed. "Xiao, Scaramouche, Albedo for like 10 minutes, Tartaglia, Venti, Kazuha.." As Aether named more people off he slowly started to realize that he might want to keep out of other people's pants for awhile. Lumine just sat there and laughed, somewhat proud of her brother.

"You're just everybody's guy aren't you?" Lumine joked as she elbowed her brother, who laughed as his face flushed. "Shh I'm not that bad." Aether giggled as him and his sister continued their time together. Lumine talked about her little girlfriends, and oh how much she loved them. And Aether was continually pressured into details about his avid sex life. This carried on until the school day was over and Aether's dormmates returned. As Lumine left, she eyed the three with a smirk, which confused Bennett, Razor, and Scaramouche, though they said nothing.

Scaramouche's POV:

"Why was she looking at us like that? That was your sister right? She's weird.." I wrap an arm around Aether as he joins us on the couch, his face slightly flushed. "We were just talking about some stuff.." Aether stares at his lap while he speaks, so I'm assuming they were talking about us, or more specifically Aether's sex life as a whole. "Really? What'd you talk about?" Might as well poke the bear, his reactions are adorable anyways. Razor and Bennett also seemed to have gotten the memo as they scoot closer and start smirking at Aether, which in the end will help convince him to let us fuck him again so I don't mind.

"A-Ah! Nothing really, just sibling stuff.." Aether refuses to make eye contact with any of us, it's so cute I could die. Naturally, I put a hand on his hip and the other goes to grab his chin, turning his head to face mine as I feel a smirk form on my lips. Aether just sits there staring, clearly unaware of what to do, until Bennett cuts in and pulls Aether to his side. Asshole. Bennett keeps up eye contact with me while he puts Aether on his lap and proceeds to feel him up, Razor standing in front of the two to join, also staring directly at me. Assholes.

I just sit and watch painfully until Aether looks at me with a pouty expression, letting out small whines and whimpers as his nipples and hips are played with. "Scara..~" Aether whines my name, and it's absolutely irresistible, but I wait and see what he has to say. "Please.. You~" That's enough for me. I quickly rip Aether from those Neanderthals and place him on my lap instead, quickly getting to feeling him up, seeing how desperately he wanted it only made me need him more. After doing something so bold I could feel the glares I was getting from Razor and Bennett, but I really couldn't care less.

Short. I'm not a fan but whatever, seriously though thanks for the ideas, I'll probably still include more so if you want to see anything or any pairing specifically let me know. Ah, details please! ❤

Oh, I didn't proofread because last time I did so I just ended up deleting everything lol, so sorry if it looks like shit.

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