cold shoulder

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Groaning for the third time, I bang on the door, impatiently waiting for Nicky to finish using the bathroom. "Knock on the door one more fucking time Naomi!" Mateo rumbles from his room.

"Get off my dick Teo! Other people have to fucking shower." I shout, aiming it at both of my brothers. I hate sharing a house with assholes.

Maxon runs up the stairs with his hair still wet and his gaze glued to his phone in his hand.

"Downstairs is free." He points down and clenches his jaw at his phone. "Fucking hell." Max mutters. Max has a crush on a dude who doesn't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. It's absolutely hilarious.

I jog downstairs, taking my shower and take my time to get ready for school. As I finish tying my combat boots Mateo, my oldest brother, is drinking coffee."You know where to find me after school." He says the same thing every morning.

I nod, following Nicky and Max out to the porch where we all hop onto our bikes.

The breeze feels amazing on my face and I feel so airy and free. I glide through the streets, ignoring my idiot brothers who subtly race each other, taking advantage of the empty street.

I look at our school and my jaw clenches subconsciously.

"Just fuck someone else." Nicky sighs exhausted, "It doesn't look like he's waiting for you anymore." Nick nods his head towards Tyler who's laughing at something a blond is saying and I watch Maxon grind his teeth.

Damn, he's got it bad.

Maxon stalks over toward Tyler subtly and so of course, Nicky and I follow. Listening into the conversation, I'm surprised to hear Tyler dismiss the other dude.

"I'll call you later." The guy tells Tyler and he nods with a smile.

Maxon crosses his arms and my eyes quietly look around to find Willow. "Didn't know that was your type." Maxon's good at sounding unaffected, but his body language gives it all away.

Tyler smirks, "What? Straight dudes?" Jiniya snorts coming up beside him and of course, Willow is under her arm. "Oh yeah, totally my type."

Maxon's cold eyes wash over with what I know is relief. He looks at Tyler for a moment and after they silently speak to each other, Tyler leans off the locker.

"Please don't let Jiniya corrupt Willow." He says pointedly. Jiniya scoffs and Willow grins. Amaya looks like she would rather gouge her eyeballs out then watch over them.

Jiniya twirls a piece of Willow's hair, "Willow loves all of my corrupting, isn't that right?" And it's my turn to clench my jaw as I watch Willow nod with a sweet laugh.

Tyler walks off shaking his head and my shoulders feel heavy.

'Willow loves all of my corrupting.'

The fuck is that supposed to mean?

"Hey Nick, are you still coming over for our project?" Jiniya asks and Nicky nods.

I use the time Nicky takes to talk about their project to look at Willow. She looks so pretty in her fuzzy sweater. The orange compliments her brown hair, that's worn tame and beautiful.

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