sour or sweet?

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My heart has sped right back up to the speed it was in down stairs. I try to swallow, but the lump in my throat is too big.

"I'm— I'm sorry." I look down at my converse. "I was looking for the bathroom because I just really needed a moment to myself and so when I saw that it was empty in here... I don't know, I didn't really think." I ramble.

"I'll leave if you want me to." I breathe out and look back up at her. She shrugs her shoulder and closes the door behind her. My eyes furrow when I notice that she's got a pack of sour patch kids and sprites in her hands.

She places the snacks down and looks back over me. "C'mere," she tells me before she walks over to her window, moving the plants that are sat there and opening it.

I can finally swallow, close enough to the window to feel the breeze.

She looks at me for a moment, almost as if I'm a puzzle she can't seem to figure out, and then she shakes her head and I don't think I've ever wanted to know what someone was thinking so badly before.

I grab her snacks for her and watch as she sits down. I hold out the snacks, but she grabs my wrist and helps me sit on the ledge instead.

After a few moments of sitting in silence Motorcycle Girl breaks it. "You surprise me." She doesn't look at me when she says it, so I guess she can feel my confusion radiating off of me.

"The first couple of times we met you were all shy and fumbling on your words and now you're spitting out comebacks and dancing on Jackson Connors." She grimaces at the last part.

I sigh and look up at the sky. For a moment I had completely forgotten about him and the way I could hear my heart beating in my ears. And it felt good to forget him.

I clench my jaw and look back at her side profile. The sky is orange and pink and it reflects on her beautiful face. "What's your name?" I ask and she looks over at me.

Her lip twitches upward and my heart clenches. "Guess." She chimes and sigh, pretending to climb back inside, but she grabs my arm. "Naomi. 'S Naomi." She rushes out and I feel oddly accomplished.

I smile and relax on the ledge again. "Y'know I've been calling you Motorcycle Girl in my internal monologue after we bumped into each other at Miss Wright's bookstore." I admit.

"Yeah?" And I mentally kick myself from gaining butterflies from one word.

I nod and then bite my bottom lip holding back a smile. "And even though I really like your name. I think I'll call you peaches from now on." I let my lip go and grin widely when she turns her head away from me.

I grab a hold of her chin and catch the blush slowly fade. She's so beautiful.

"Why were you dancing with Jackson?" Naomi asks and I drop my hand while I groan. I wish we could forget about him.

I sigh, "He asked me to dance. And this is my first time going to a party and my first time getting asked to dance so I said yes." I rush out and hope that's good enough for her.

I watch her calculating look and wait for her response, mindlessly fiddling with my necklace. "It didn't look like your first time dancing." She says matter of factly.

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