Chapter 3- Shion

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The Fox faunus herself has arrived in her new timeskip outfit! I've decided to post all the character reference sheets one by one with each chapter, which will give me more time to draw the rest while you guys get to enjoy the chapters.

The Fox faunus herself has arrived in her new timeskip outfit! I've decided to post all the character reference sheets one by one with each chapter, which will give me more time to draw the rest while you guys get to enjoy the chapters

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Sapphire pov

It was early in the morning, the birds were already tweeting and the fire you guys had set up last night has burnt out long ago. You were currently sitting on your sleeping bag. Staring down at the White Fang patch as you held it in your hands, lightly running your thumb over the old and quite worn out threads. 

Sapphire: (sigh) i wish you were here with us, Y/n...

You glance over at your sleeping teammates, all of them sleeping soundly still. Looking at Olivia you notice her holding Thorin's rifle tightly in her embrace as she sleept, almost as if she's afraid someone will take it. It must be hard for her, losing the one she loved not long after they confessed to each other. 

Your attention turns to Ruby as she suddenly lets out a gasp, her eyes opening wide. She slowly sits up and looks around, noticing you're awake.

Ruby: Oh, um... Good morning.

Sapphire: Good morning, Ruby. Are you feeling well?

She slowly looks away to avoid your eyes.

Ruby: Yeah... Just a bad dream.

You nod, not wanting to try and press her to give you an answer.

Ruby: (looks around) Where's Jaune?

Sapphire: Not sure, he wasn't in his sleeping bag when i woke up. Probably just took a quick walk around to watch for any nearby Grimm.

She nods, thinking that you might be right. She lets out a sigh as she puts her hand to the side of her head as if she's in pain.

Sapphire: (thoughts) She's been acting like this ever since we left Patch. Always having these so called dreams.

Ruby: (gets up) We should probably wake the others and find Jaune.

Jaune: You called?

Turning around you notice Jaune coming out from behind a group of trees.

Ruby: Where were you?

Jaune: Just wanted to take a small walk, enjoy the morning breeze.

Sapphire: Really? Walking is the one thing we've been doing these past few months.

Jaune: I know. But sometimes it's nice to take a small stroll alone.

Ruby: Heh, i guess that's true.

Jaune: Time to get moving again?

Sapphire: Yup.

You slowly stood up and walked over to wake up Olivia while Jaune and Ruby goes to wake up Ren and Nora. Crouching down next to her you lightly shook her shoulder.

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