Chapter 5- Stinger

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Sapphire pov

You left of a soft of relief at the nice cloudy weather today, finally letting you all escape from the warm summer heat. It was another day on the road like usual, a few Grimm here and there, the sound of grasshoppers were ringing all throughout the long stretches of trees. It's been about a day since you and the team last stayed at a town, though it was mostly to escape an incoming downpour that kept you inside for the rest of the night, setting your scheduled time for Haven back by one day. 

Looking over at your group you look at Jaune as he attempts to locate them on the map, with not much success. Alongside him walked Ruby and Ren, trying their best to help him. To your right you see Olivia walking by your side, keeping herself from dying from boredom by making sure her guns are clean. Just infront of you, you see a overly bored Nora. You watch as she stretches her arms up wide, trying to cheer herself up.

Nora: Another day, another adventure!

Ruby: (to Jaune) So what's on the agenda today?

Jaune: Walking!

Nora: (inching closer to the group infront) With a side of...?

Ren: Walking.

Sapphire: More and more walking until our legs decide to give up and collapse.

Ruby: (sighs) Haven is a lot farther away than i thought.

Ren: (curious) Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?

Ruby: (shrugging) I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home!

Olivia: Don't try to come up with an excuse now, Ruby.

Ruby: But its the truth!

Jaune: Right but... how long?

Ruby: (looking away) Maybe like, uh....two weeks?

Jaune: (shoots his head up from the map and glares at Ruby) What?!

Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! (trying her best to avoid making eye contact with anyone) Look, whatever.

As Ruby keeps avoiding eye contact with us, she looks up at the path again, seeming to notice something.

Ruby: (pointing ahead) hey, what's that?

Looking ahead you all notice what seems to a wall and a few buildings ahead. It felt strange. None of the locals in the last town mentioned anything about a town laying close by.

Jaune: That's....strange. (slowly looks down at the map then back up) I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few days.

Nora: Are those buildings...damaged?

Sapphire: Grimm?

Olivia: (loading her guns) I guess we will find out.

Jaune: We should search for survivors!

Jaune quickly drops the map and all of you run into the village, with Nora leaping onto the outer wall and onto a rooftop from there. You search the Village up and down for a few minutes without any signs of people, making you believe that the village might be abandoned. You push open the door to one of the buildings, seeming no signs of survivors, only stuff scrambled all of the floor as if people left here in a hurry.

Ruby: (calling out) Anything?

Nora: Nothing over here!

Jaune: No one over here either!

Sapphire: All of the houses are empty!

Olivia: No sign of anyone having been here recently, not even a kindle in the fire places!

Let's just live- Male reader x Yang Xiao Long (Vol. 4) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now