Chapter 1 - Stage Fright & Obnoxiousness

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I'm woken up by Lola playing loud music in the room.
"LOLA!" I shout "turn it down, I'm trying to sleep"
She turns down her music "sorry Quinn, I'm just really excited today!"
"Why?" I ask with a grouchy voice.
"Because Zoey and I are going to be singing at the PCA Concert tonight!"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that"
"Are you sure you don't want to sing with us Quinn? I've heard you sing before and you sound amazing"
"Thanks but no thanks. I'm too nervous about singing in front of everyone."
"Let me know if you change your mind. Anyway I'm going to shower"

She skips out the room and I just flop back down on the bed. I enjoy singing, but I get stage fright and I feel people will laugh at me because I'm just "the geek" or "the weirdo".

"Morning Quinn" Zoey says as she walks through the door after she's had some breakfast.
"Morning" I say as I sit up.
"Are you okay?" She asked concerned
"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit tiered that's all"
"Well maybe a nice shower and some breakfast might make you feel better"


Every Saturday I love to wake up early to lift my weights, it is hard work to stay as good looking as I am. I also need to look good for this concert tonight as well, even though I technically don't have a date. Quinn and I can't go together and I don't really want to go with anyone else, it would be too strange and would feel wrong to me.
"Hey Logan" Marcus says as he walks in.
"Hey" I say as I put my weights down.
"Who are you taking to the concert tonight?"
"WHAT? You are a ladies man who loves himself and all the hot girls! Why aren't you going with anyone?"
I had to quickly think of an excuse on why. I need to think of an answer that makes me sound obnoxious and like the old me.
"Well non of the girls are really worth going with me"
"Logan you are so shallow and you are going to end up on your own if you carry on like this!"
I wish I could tell him everything, but I can't. We both agreed it would be our little secret.

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