Chapter 19 - I need to find Quinn

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I can't believe Hannah! Why did she come over at that exact moment when I was near Quinn? I can tell that I've pissed Quinn off as well...
I don't understand what she wants or what I want.
We keep falling out and breaking up and then getting back together and kissing and being close to each other and then arguing again... If this was meant to be it this wouldn't happen. It would be perfect and it would flow smoothly, so clearly this isn't meant to be. Even though I want it to be. I do love her, I love her so much.

"LOGAN!" Micheal yells as he snaps his fingers in my face breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Oh yeah I'm just thinking" I respond.
"YOU THINKING? That's a first" Micheal says as he laughs.
"Very funny! I'm just thinking about a relationship that I know" I say. I'm going to try and explain it to him to get his advice, but not mention me or Quinn or anything like that.
"What relationship?" He questions.
Well... here goes me trying to explain it all to him...
"This one that an old friend of mine has with this girl. Basically they were dating in secret, then the girl got fed up of the secrets so ended the relationship BUT like 5 minutes after wants him back and says she can't stay away from him or whatever. Then she breaks up with him again because he is an idiot and then he punches her ex boyfriend in the face because he tried to kiss her... THEN, like the idiot he is,  he goes on a date with someone else to try and get over her but he can't so he leaves it, then this girl finds out he went out with another girl and is now angry and upset" 
"Woah... that's a lot to take in" Micheal says. He looks very shocked and confused.
"I was just going to tell my friend they maybe it's not meant to be because they keep going on and off. What do you think?"
"Do they love each other?"
"Yes I do... I... I meant HE does"
God I nearly blew it then.
"Well I guess if they love each other they just need to work this out and what they want this relationship to be and if they can't agree then I guess they aren't right for each other"
"That actually makes a lot of sense, but what if it's hard because ones fire and ones ice"
"What do you mean?"
"Well my friend is a bad boy and he's girl is a very good and smart girl..."
"Well sometimes opposite attract. Isn't that what they say?"
"I guess... I just don't want any of them to get hurt"
"Who is this friend anyway?"
"Oh it's someone I knew years ago."
"Oh right. Well give him my advice and hopefully he finds the right answer and sorts it out with his girl"
"Yep thanks Micheal will do"
Micheal walks away. I really hope I didn't make it obvious who it was really about... I need to find Quinn!

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