Chapter 13 - Out Cold

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I've still heard nothing from Quinn and I'm starting to worry. I don't want to go back to her dorm because what if Zoey and Lola are with her now and me storming in wanted to talk to her will make it suspicious. I just want her to call me or even text me..
"Logan!" Micheal says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What's up?" I say
"I was wondering if you wanted to get some pizza and we can watch movies?"
"I'm not really in the mood right now dude, my head is pounding"
"You think your head is pounding? I just ran into Quinn and she slammed into a wall and nearly fainted"
"WHAT?" I start to panic.
"Don't worry, Mark was helping her back. I wonder if they are getting back together?"
"Mark? As in her ex boyfriend?"
"I've got to go!" I quickly spit out as I run to Quinn's dorm.

I can't believe she got hurt because of me! Why is Mark there to save her? Will she be getting back with him? All these awful thoughts are running around in my head...  I get to her dorm and knock on the door. There is no answer but I hear Quinn's voice saying "Go away" in a distressed tone.
I swing open the door to find Quinn on the bed and Mark leaning in to kiss her. This rage suddenly takes over my body, I can feel my fists clench and my heart rate increase. It's like I've just seen red and that's it now! There is no turning back. I storm over to the bed and just punch Mark in the face!
"LOGAN!" Quinn shouts.
Mark hits the ground and he is out cold.
"What have you done?" She says. Her voice sounds wavy, almost like she is panicking.
"I... I didn't mean to. It's just I.. I saw him trying to kiss you and this anger came inside me" I'm stuttering my words while i'm trying to comprehend what just happened.
"What are we suppose to do now? We have a knocked out Mark on the floor..."
"I... I don't know? I'm so sorry" my adrenaline is starting to settle down now.
"Do we call the school nurse or something?"
Quinn drops to the floor and holds up Mark's head.

Suddenly Mark starts to make noises and stir, almost like he is about to wake up.
"Mark are you ok?" Quinn asks him
"Uggg" Mark mumbles as he touched his head.
He sits up and stares right at me and it looks could kill I would definitely be dead right now.
"Why did you do that?" He asks
"Well I saw you trying to kiss Quinn and I saw that Quinn didn't want to kiss you, so I had to get you off of her" I say quickly because I'm panicking now the adrenaline has fully gone.
"You punched me! You could of just pulled me off her or shouted at me or literally done anything else? But no, you punched me. Why?"
"It was the first thing that I could think of to get you off her!"
"Something is going on here is t there?"
"What do you mean?" Quinn says
"Well you two have never been best friends and now all of a sudden he cares about you so much that he would storm into your bedroom and punch me in the face so I'm out cold"
"We may not be best friends, but we are friends and maybe it was just the adrenaline and panic in the moment that made him punch you"
I nod my head to agree with her.
"Well I guess I'm going to have to go to the head teacher about this assault and you will be kicked out of this school" he says to me as he stands up.
"No Mark! It was a mistake!" Quinn says
"Nope. I'm going to tell them everything he just did"
"Mark you can't" Quinn begs
"Listen Mark if you go to the head teacher about this, then I will say that I only punched you because you were trying to do stuff to Quinn without her consent, if you know what I'm saying" I say with confidence.
"You wouldn't! I was only trying to kiss her?"
"Well I can say that I didn't know that's what it was going to be, I can say I thought it was much more"
"I can also back Logan's story up" Quinn says as she stands by my side.
"Fine!" Mark says as he starts to leave. "I'm not wrong though. Something is going on between you two and it's only a matter of time before everyone finds out"

Mark slams the door shut and I look at Quinn. I see a big red bump on her forehead and it makes my heart ache because I know I'm to blame for it because I made her upset.
"Quinn, I'm so sor" my sentence gets cut off by Quinn kissing me. Does this kiss mean she forgives me? She pulls away and looks at me, so I continue. "I'm so sorry Quinn. Today has just been a mess for you and it's all my fault! I promise you I didn't go around the school telling everyone I got with some hot girl last night to show off, I told one guy and it was because I was wearing the same clothes as the day before and I stunk like your perfume and he put two and two together that I'd been with a girl last night. I did tell him not to say anything though.... I'm also sorry for punching Mark in the face. Micheal told me he saw you and Mark together because you hit your head and then Micheal starting saying stuff about you two getting back together and I ran over here, then when I got to your door I heard you telling him to stop and I panicked. Then when I saw him about to kiss you I just lost my mind! The thought of you getting back with him was torture enough, but then actually seeing him try to kiss you just made my blood boil and I had to do something. Granted I probably shouldn't of punched him, but I wasn't thinking logically"
My rant was over and I looked into her eyes, she looks disappointed...

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