How To Survive 101

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"Ok, so we've taught you just about all we know in this god forsaken place, so now all we have to do is wait for the Entity to decide it's time for your first Trial," Nea said as we relaxed around the campfire. "Then the only big thing you'll need to worry about is which killer you're up against."

I nodded and exhaled, head spinning and body aching from all the knowledge I'd gained. Everyone had been kind enough to teach me their skills and gave me descriptions of each Killer and their powers. I didn't look forward to going against Wraith or Spirit. They sounded kinda scary, I mean, going against someone you don't even know where they are? Ugh, I bet I'd die within the first 5 minutes of the Trial.

"So, how do we know when we've been picked for a Trial?" I asked as I stared at the fire. "Oh, that's easy; you're basically surrounded by the Fog and then you appear in whatever map and you get started," Nea said with a shrug. "It doesn't hurt, and it happens fairly quickly. Worst part is the start of the Trial when you don't know who you're up against or worrying that you'll be the first one they find."

I grimaced. "Sounds fun..." Nea chuckled and said "It's usually not too bad once things get under way. My advice would be, lay low and focus on repairing the gens. The others know you're new and will try to distract the Killer as much as they can."

I nodded and stretched. "I think I should get some rest before my Trial starts, mind showing me where I should go?" Nea nodded and got up. "Sure, I think Cheryl's the only one with an empty space in her tent. C'mon, it's this way." She started off in the direction of most of the tents.

I followed her to a dark orange, two person tent that had the flap closed. Nea turned around and said "You haven't met Cheryl yet but she's a real sweetheart. Pretty quiet, but you'll get used to it. Lemme check if she's in there real quick." She crouched next to the tent and lightly scratched at the tent flap. After a short pause, we heard some rustling and the flap opened, revealing a pretty blonde girl with a short haircut.

The girl had an orange turtlenecked tank top on with a dirty white sleeveless puffy jacket, a green skirt and some brown leather boots. She sleepily peeked out, saw us and opened the flap further. "I've only got space for one, sorry..." her voice was soft and lower than I would have guessed.
Nea shrugged and explained the situation. Cheryl nodded and yawned, moving aside to make space for me.

"Alright, *𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞,* time for me to leave. Have a good rest." With that, Nea stood up and walked off, waving over her shoulder. I waved and carefully crawled into the tent with Cheryl. I kinda wanted to hear her voice more, so I asked if she wanted the tent flap left open. "You can close it, that's fine," she murmured as she laid back down. I nodded and quietly zipped it back up.

Then I turned around to get a better look at the inside of the tent. It was roomier than the outside would suggest, with a couple of blankets and pillows for the occupants. A small lantern sat in the corner, illuminating the room with a subtle glow. I crawled over to my spot and pulled the blanket over myself and tried to get comfortable.

I heard Cheryl shift slightly and then her soft voice filled the tent. "I haven't seen you before; you must be the new Survivor that everyone's been talking about. My name's Cheryl Mason, nice to meet you."

I turned to face her and replied "Nice to meet you too, I'd tell you my name if I remembered it..." My face scrunched up in confusion, I didn't realize I didn't remember my own name until now.... Hopefully I'd recall it soon.

Cheryl studied me with her green eyes and said "It's alright, everyone took a while to get things right in their head. Have you been caught up on everything here?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I've even been taught how to use different things and skills by the other Survivors. Can I ask what your specialties are?" She thought for a second before replying. "I have a ... different set of skills than the others. I can turn the Entity against itself briefly, I have a special bond with the Obsession each Trial and I can get up and take a hit right after."

I felt my eyes widen in surprise and hope. "Wait, you can use the Entity against itself?!? Does that mean-" She shook her head before I could finish. "Sadly, I can't stop the Entity or use my skills to escape this place. I can only use it to temporarily stop Killers from hindering our generator progress."

I wilted back into my pillow in disappointment. "Unfortunate, I know. I've tried using it different ways but nothing else works," she said, eyes sad. I looked at her, embarrassed. "No no, your skill is really cool and useful, I just thought maybe we could use it to escape..." She nodded and said "It's fine, I got the same reaction with the last couple Survivors."

I felt bad but didn't know what to do, so I nestled my head into my pillow in an attempt to get comfy. "Well, I guess I should try to rest before I get called into a Trial." Cheryl gave me a small smile and pulled her blanket up. "Sleep well." We both closed our eyes and tried to fall asleep.

I was just getting drowsy when I felt the Fog begin to envelop me. My eyes flew open and I started to panic, and looked over at Cheryl to say something. She was sitting up, Fog curling around her torso as well. She met my eyes and then all I could see was pitch black....

𝑈𝑛𝑔𝑒 - 𝐾𝑖𝑑

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